Tuesday 25 October 2011

If You Have An Itch, Don’t Scratch: Skin Allergy Itching

The human skin is comprised of a number of cells all designed to provide a variety of functions.  Some of those functions include providing the human body with a protective covering, being the first line of defense which protects the body from bacteria, helping the body to maintain its temperatur through perspiration, etc.
However, as with all things, there may be an imbalance.  Such an imbalance that can occur with the human skin is the development of skin allergies. 
Therefore, when wishing to learn about allergies, it is important to know what an allergy is and how to effectively treat the common discomfort associated with a skin allergy.  The common discomfort associated with a skin allergy condition is skin allergy itching.
What Is An Allergy?
An allergy develops when the body's immune system responds aggressively to non-threatening organisms.  Examples of these types of non-aggressive substances include pet dander, mold, dust, pollen, etc.
Ultimately, if the immune system responds there is a corresponding release of histamine.  This histamine attaches itself to the foreign substance in an effort to ward off the perceived threat.  This process may in turn cause certain conditions to appear on the skin.  This response can be known as an allergy.  Some of those conditions could include redness, blisters, scaling, etc.
Treatment For Skin Allergy Itching
When a physician begins to prescribe the treatment plan for skin allergy itching, often the treatment method of choice is through the use of topical preparations.  There are many ways that medicines can be applied topically.  Topically means that they are applied directly on the area that is to be treated.  Some of those methods could include the use of ointments, lotions, powders, etc.
Each of the above treatment methods is as equally effective.  However, the major difference lies in the choice of what substance is used when the active treatment ingredients are added.
For example, the typical base product used in a topical product is petroleum jelly.  Generally, this topical medicine will aid in the relief of skin allergy itching.  However, the drawback to using this type of product is ointment has a tendency to be very messy, difficult to wash off and be very greasy.  This product therefore, may not only feel uncomfortable when applied to the skin, but may also have a tendency to stain an individual’s clothing.
One additional treatment for skin allergy itching is through the use of skin allergy cream. 
Skin allergy cream is probably the most widely used topical product utilized by sufferers of skin allergy itching.  This is because the active ingredients are easily mixed into the cream substance.  In addition, when the cream is applied to the affected area, the cream has a tendency to be absorbed by the skin and therefore leave no greasy residue on the skin or clothing.http://www.allergy-zero.com/

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