Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Allergies in Relation to Antihistamines

There are lots of us who suffer from allergy. Runny nose, sneezing accompanied with coughing, redness in the eyes, itchiness and difficulty of breathing are common signs and symptoms that you will experience if you have this medical condition. In some cases, symptoms like headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea and dizziness may also occur. Allergies could possibly be a threat to your health. It should not be taken lightly as this will likely end into death if you will not manage the soonest possible way.
Allergy can sometimes hard for you to determine. The common condition of this ailment is medically termed as the Allergic Rhinitis or Asthma attack. Its symptoms are also similar with other diseases. For instance, you have eaten a shrimp and after an hour, you experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, feeling dizzy, and itchy skin; you might think of this as an allergy where in fact it can be a typhoid fever.
The foods that we eat are one of the main reasons why most of us experienced allergy. It usually correlates with attacks such as asthma. Allergens like dust, molds and even climate change may also be the causes. You should be aware of the signs and symptoms, the physiological process, and the treatment. With the help of medical specialist, this can be managed easily. Anti allergy drugs are now available in the pharmaceutical industry
Do you know what anti allergy drugs really are? As the term implies, these pills are used to relieve and treat your allergies. In pharmacological term, it refers to as the antihistamines. These are safe drugs. They are believed to give unwanted side effects; if it is not administered the proper way, it will end your life.
All medically prescribed drugs have its side effects. Some are mild and most are serious. Latest antihistamines are considered for being the safest due to the fact that it gives minimal unwanted side effects which you can tolerate; cause less feeling of drowsiness and abdominal pain. You can obtain Antihistamines quickly in many drugstores out there.
Antihistamines do not cure your allergy symptoms at all, but it provides relief by blocking the so called "histamine" within your circulation. There are numerous kinds of this medication available. Oral antihistamines, nasal steroids, and nasal decongestants are some to name a few. The former type of drug is often taken by most of us with allergy.
You should know that antihistamines are not the only management for allergies.
There can be many home based treatments that we can do. You must have at least an emergency kit stocked in a safe and visual area. Every member of your family who is old enough should be knowledgeable to perform this kit. Bear in mind that first aid is very specific for your family. Advance preparation is absolutely a necessity to us.
Avoid foods that may trigger your allergy. Stop smoking, clean your house everyday and exercise regularly could be of great help. Allergies can be generally managed by different antihistamine drugs, but treatment will always start in your own simple ways.
Janna contributes to many free article directories and is a paid staff writer for FreeArticleDigest.com, where you can find articles on subjects ranging from wood file cabinets [http://www.freearticledigest.com/computers-and-office/woodfilecabinets.html] to stackable storage bins [http://www.freearticledigest.com/home-and-garden/stackablestoragebins.html]. You may republish this article free of charge, anywhere online, as long as all keyword links are left intact.

Monday, 27 February 2012

Allergy - Uncover Effective Folk Methods to Deal With it

Allergy is one of the most complicated diseases due to its various conditions. However, folk medicine offers several home remedies to reduce or even cure allergic reactions.
    The first and main thing to do when dealing with allergy involves strengthening of your organism. You can increase your antiallergic immunity by doing some physical activities (such as sports, tourism, and working in the garden) in open air as often as possible and swimming a lot, especially in the sea due to the healing properties of the sea water.
    Use mumio solution regularly for a long time. The solution is 1 gram of mumio dissolved in 1 liter of warm, boiled water. Keep the solution in refrigerator and use it once a day before meal in the morning. The dose is as follows - children at the age of 1-3 years should drink 50 milliliters of solution, children at the age of 4-7 years - 70 milliliters, but anybody at the age above 8 years can use 100 milliliters. If you suffer from strong allergy, you can use the solution twice a day reducing one of the doses by half. You should take into consideration that mumio facilitates passage of urine and faeces. In addition, you can treat eczema by applying the solution (1 gram of mumio dissolved in 100 milliliters of water) to the bad skin areas. Mumio is very effective and powerful remedy, but you should use the solution for at least 20 days to maintain the treatment results. So in order to perform the full cure you are going to need 2 grams of mumio. You should repeat the previously described method twice a year - in the spring and autumn.
    If you suffer from allergic bronchial asthma, a good remedy relates to a decoction of licorice root and mumio. Infuse 2-4 teaspoons of herbs of licorice root with half a liter of water and boil the tincture for 10-15 minutes. Leave the decoction to brew for an hour and decant it. Afterwards, add half a gram of mumio. Drink a glass of the decoction once a day before meal in the morning. Keep the tincture in refrigerator. Do not make more than 2 glasses of decoction at once.
    Pestle dried dandelion roots in order to get a powder. Mix 2 tablespoons of the powder with 3 glasses of water and leave the mix to brew till the morning. Then boil the tincture for 10 minutes. Drink half a glass of the decoction 5 times a day before meal and going to bed.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Allergy Asthma Relief - Get a Plan to Be Ready Any Time Allergy Asthma Strikes

If you suffer from allergy asthma then you need to know all about getting relief as quickly as possible from an unexpected attack. Allergy asthma can strike at any time of your life. Many infants and children suffer from it, whilst other people may be into old age before they have an attack.
If you haven't had an allergic asthma attack for a long time, it's easy to believe you're never going to have another one. But the chances are that you will, hence the importance of a plan so that you will know how to handle it the next time.
A vital part of that plan is knowing the warning signs of an impending attack. They are always there. They might include a sudden difficulty in breathing, a feeling of anxiety, or simply an itch that won't go away. You'll have consulted a specialist at some stage after your first attack, whether that was in childhood or more recently. Make sure you stay in contact with a specialist from time to time throughout your life and have regular checkups so you know as much as possible about the condition you have to live with.
Try and establish the cause of each attack - the allergen that set if off. This could be dust mites, tobacco smoke, grass pollen or just polluted air from a busy main road. Although there's more to preventing another attack than just avoiding those allergens, it's certainly a step in the right direction.
Next, always carry your medications with you, whether these be anti-histamine sprays, a homeopathic remedy or anything else. It doesn't matter, as long as it brings relief from your asthma. Make sure that whoever is with you for any length of time, e.g. a travel companion or work colleague, knows where it is kept in case you're not capable of getting hold of it owing to the severity of the attack.
Although you won't want to burden your companions with too much information about your asthma, most genuine friends won't mind discussing with you occasionally what to do should you have an attack when you're alone with them. The important thing is that once an attack commences you should immediately take whatever medication you rely on, and then, as far as possible, relax, sit upright, and concentrate on your breathing. Easier said than done, certainly, but that's all the more reason for anyone with you to know what to do to help you with this.
One thing that assists a more rapid recovery in most cases is to carry out an alternative health treatment in the form of a little acupressure exercise, as follows. Find the two hollows next to your chest muscles just below the collar bone on each side, and press into them firmly but gently for two or three minutes, or for however long you feel comfortable with. If someone else can do this for you it would be even better as you can then relax your arms and increase the effectiveness of the exercise.
It sounds a weird way of bringing allergy asthma relief, but you should find that it helps enormously.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Allergy Natural Relief May Help Fight Cancer

Can an allergy be a sign of having a natural relief for cancer and other serious illnesses?
According to a recently published study from Texas Tech University, it probably can. Dr Zuber Mulla, an epidemiologist at Texas Tech University, who led the study team, said, "More work is still needed, but the numbers show that allergy is a statistically significant protective factor."
The studies were into the causes of ovarian cancer, and it found that the chances of allergy sufferers succumbing to cancer were much lower than those of non-allergy sufferers. The only possible reason they could suggest was that adverse reactions to things such as pollen or dust mites stimulate the immune system and make it more effective in fighting off true enemies such as cancer.
The study carried out by Texas Tech was into ovarian cancer, and it found that asthmatics had a 30 per cent less chance of developing ovarian cancer than non-asthmatics. It also found that children allergic to airborne irritants had a 40 per cent less chance of developing leukemia than children who did not suffer from allergies.
This is by no means the only study that has found this link between allergy reaction and resistance to potentially fatal illnesses. Earlier studies have been carried out by Cornell University, Minnesota University, Harvard, and also the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening, and these have produced similar kinds of findings.
Canadian studies have been published showing that people who suffer from hay fever or similar allergies have an up to 58 per cent less chance of developing pancreatic cancer, compared to people who do not suffer from allergies.
Perhaps these findings should not be all that surprising. All of us want a strong immune system so as to protect us from cancer and other potentially fatal illnesses. But very often, it seems, our immune system is just a little too strong. Rather than just protecting us from serious illness, it can err on the safe side and raise the defenses to what are really harmless intruders in the form of, for example, pollen or dust mites.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Allergy Purifiers - Things to Know About Them

If you are suffering from allergies, what are some things you can do to alleviate it? Well, there is something cold and allergy purifiers that have been known to help people with that very same problem. These are devices that help filter the air in your home to prevent whatever reactions you may be having. So, if you don't know where to start looking for them I would advise going to any sort of home improvement store in your area. Typically, they will carry all sorts of different brands they can choose from so I would recommend just getting a cheap one to test out and see how it works for you.
You can also search online for different types, and I still recommend that you just get one that is inexpensive at first and see if it helps your specific allergies. Even though some may claim to be 100% effective, that's not always the case. I'm sure you've tried your share of different methods for protecting yourself from allergies, so you probably know this to be true. That's why it's always a good idea to check out the cheaper options first.
Another thing to consider is that regular air purifiers are designed to filter out allergens as well, even if they do not explicitly state this on their packaging or advertisements. So, if you have an air purifier that you're not using test that out first. Of course, if that doesn't work don't be surprised, as the ones that are specifically designed to filter out allergens will be more effective.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Allergy Relief - Some Ways to Help

If you have ever suffered from an allergy then you know it very well that how miserable it is to deal with itchy, watering eyes and bearing rashes when an allergic reaction occurs. At times it is essential to get relief. Although if you have a little bit of knowledge and better take care of your self then you won't need to take Allergy relief instead you will be able to get through allergy season without facing a lot of problems. Some people don't have seasonal allergies instead they have allergy from dust or animals and such Allergy is a little difficult to treat.
You can find allergy relief in different types of medication that are available in the market. You can get Allergy relief products from your nearest drugstore or pharmacy or you can as your physician to write an Allergy relief program for you. Some products are in liquid form and some are in pill form. Some external use Allergy relief medication products are also available in shape of creams and eye drops. The Allergy relief treatment plan depends on several factors like what kind of allergy you have and also about your medical conditions. Some people can't use creams and drops etc because their skin can't bear such products so they need treatment in from of pills or liquid syrups. On the other hand some people can't eat a lot of medicines because their stomach doesn't support them so they need to be treated with the help of creams and drops.
If you are caught with an allergy then it is better not to waste your time and consult with a good doctor as soon as possible. Suffering with allergy can make you weak with passage of time and it is never a good idea to let it stay with you because it will damage your health in the long run.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Allergy Relief Products - Why There Are So Many and How to Choose the Right One For You

Allergy relief products are big business. That's the thing you have to remember when you set out to find something to bring relief to your allergy symptoms. That doesn't mean, however, that they are all bad. So how do you tell the difference between those that are likely to help you and those that are there primarily to make money for the manufacturers?
That many of these products are profitable for the sellers doesn't mean necessarily that you should avoid them, but the free market system does tend to encourage suppliers to put up their prices for a product that sells well.
High prices and increasing profits in the allergy relief products business have brought in another factor that allergy sufferers have to endure - the hard sell. All this makes it difficult to decide which remedy is right for you.
There are treatments such as Sub-Lingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) - placing a tiny amount of pollen under the tongue to bring about a degree of immunity. This is homeopathy in action. Or you can buy a phototherapy unit to emit pulses of light into your nostrils to inhibit the release of histamines and alleviate the inflammation of nasal mucous membranes.
Then there are the good old pollen capsules, which have been around for many years, and the inhalers that we are all familiar with. Probably most sufferers will find a suitable treatment from these options, and need not venture any further.
But there are more - after all, this is big business, remember? There are air purifiers and filters, both for personal use and for your car, and if you want the top of the range then you can have an ioniser. Or you can have a window filter or screen, a face mask (re-usable) or wrap-around eye protection.
You can even have air purifying light bulbs, steam cleaners, specially filtered vacuum cleaners, room sprays, dustmite-proof boilable pillows, laundry additives and sofa sprays. Have I exhausted the options available?
No, because there are also special mattresses for your bed, and water additives. There's very expensive pollen blocker balm to put up your nose (you can do the same with very cheap Vaseline or petroleum jelly and it's just as good), and there are even "acupressure bands" - just an expensive way of using acupressure (on only one of several possible pressure points) to bring relief.
No doubt there are more, all of them promising effective and often instant allergy natural relief from a wide range of allergies, not just hay fever. How can you judge whether any particular one may be right for you?
Only by finding out as much as you can about your own particular allergy. For example, if you believe you are allergic to peanut butter, it may be that the actual cause is an ingredient in peanut butter, and that ingredient may be present in other things you may eat. There may be a kind of peanut butter that doesn't have that ingredient and that you can therefore eat safely.
Most importantly, if you find out from a skin prick test exactly what it is that causes your allergy problem then you know how you can best bring relief to that problem. It's unlikely that any given allergy can be dealt with equally effectively by, for example, either a window filter or through a homeopathic remedy.http://www.allergy-zero.com/effective-ways-to-cure-allergies/

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Allergy Relief Tips That Really Work

If you are suffering from allergies due to any cause, you may be looking for allergy relief tips that you can depend on. Many allergy sufferers have tried a wide variety of products that do not work and this can be very frustrating and make you want to give up, but there is relief out there and you may not have to rely on your doctor to find it.
There are many symptoms of allergies and you may be experiencing one or two symptoms, or you may be experiencing a number of symptoms. Itchy eyes are a trademark symptom of allergies and you eyes may burn and itch and this can be a very annoying and also painful problem. Sneezing is another very common symptom and while many people sneeze, when you have an allergy and you are sneezing it is very different. You may sneeze many times in a row and this can make you feel itchy from the inside out.
Another common symptom of allergies is coughing and sore throat. These symptoms are not the ones that are most talked about, but can be troublesome nonetheless. There may be some great allergy relief tips that can combat coughing and sore throat, without making you sleepy.
One of the best allergy relief tips is to make sure that you know how a allergy medicine is going to affect you, before you go to work, or operate a car. This is true for any natural products you try also. You may want to try this medicine while you are at home and do not have to go anywhere, and you will be able to see how the medication affects you personally. You may find reviews about a med that claim there are no side effects, but each allergy relief can affect you differently and you want to make sure that you are fully aware of this, before you are in a position where you can hurt yourself or somebody else.
There are many allergy relief tips out there and it is up to you to find the ones that work the best. You do not have to suffer any longer and there are many things that you can do to make your life less miserable, and more enjoyable. The right relief will not drop out of the sky, and you want to take a proactive approach when you are looking for the relief that is right for you personally.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Allergy Testing and Your Child

If you are taking your child for allergy testing, it's common that you might want to know what to expect, especially if this is your first time. When you can prepare your child before the appointment, it will also help her to be more relaxed for the appointment and in the time before it. Children are often apprehensive when they don't know what to expect from an appointment.
Here are some steps to help you and your child become more comfortable with this process:
· Find out all of the details about the process first so that you can talk it over with your child. This will allow you to be prepared to answer any questions that might come up.
· Talk with the allergist about any medications your child should discontinue before the testing and how early you should discontinue.
The allergist that your child is seeing should provide you with preparation instructions as well as guidelines on what you can expect. It's important that you read over all of this and ask any questions before the appointment date if you have them. You can then help prepare your child for what she can expect in the appointment.
Allergy testing is not typically done on children under the age of four, with the exception of blood testing that is sometimes done to rule out some things. However, blood testing for allergies is not thorough and skin prick testing is usually done later.
Allergy skin testing today is very non invasive. Small plastic panels or pre-prepared allergens are pressed onto the skin of the back. The child will need to lie on her tummy with her back exposed for the testing. You will then wait 15 minutes before the tests are read for the results. This skin prick testing can determine common allergens such as trees, grass, weeds, animals, cockroaches, dust and more.
Your child may experience some itchiness or burning sensation at the site of the skin testing but otherwise, there are no symptoms except in rare cases where your child has a serious reaction to one of the allergens.
Once the testing is complete, your child's allergist will be able to give you results so that you know what she is allergic to. In addition to trying to avoid these triggers, such as bee stings or peanut butter, your child may also be set up for allergy shots that help maintain the symptoms of seasonal allergies and allergies to things in the air such as pollen or ragweed.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Allergy to Cats - How to Keep Your Cat Despite an Allergic Reaction

Some people have an allergy to cats. Some people fall in love with a person who has an allergy to cats, and end up giving their beloved cat away to be with their new love. There is a way to have both your loves, both your cat and your new partner. who may have an allergy to cats.
First, accept that there is always an answer for every problem. Just because your doctor doesn't have an answer to a problem, doesn't mean there isn't one.
Second, be open about where answers can come from. If you fall into the pattern of rejecting something because it's not mainstream thinking, you will find you limit yourself more than you will ever know.
Third, don't rely on the advice of friends or peers. They may be in the same boat about looking for answers, but may have less courage than you do. If you find something that works, they may be skeptical. That's OK. They have a right to be. Just as you have a right to acknowledge something that works for you.
Now let's look at how homeopathy can help someone with an allergy to cats, or to anything else.
Although homeopathy is not a mainstream system of health care, it is an extremely effective medical system based on natural laws. The approach of homeopathic treatment is based on you as a whole person, rather than on a little bit of you, your allergy for example.
What this means is that you are out of natural balance, to have an allergy. Your immune system is a highly efficient and important but intangible part of you. In perfect natural balance it can prevent and cure almost every health disorder. When it is not in natural balance, it is very limited in what it can do.
So your main job is to get your immune system back into natural balance as quickly as possible. Then your allergy will disappear as if by magic.
And there is no faster or better way to achieve this than with good homeopathic treatment.http://www.allergy-zero.com/

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Allergy Treatment - Uncover Natural Remedies to Fight It

There is a host of various allergic conditions and symptoms. In addition, different people can have different symptoms for one type of allergy. As a result, it is hard to determine the cause of allergy. However, nowadays there are several methods to discover the reason of allergy and this can be done very accurately. One of the best ways of allergy treatment relates to natural remedies.
    Mix equal quantities (10 grams) of common nettle leaves, marjoram tops, three-lobe beggar ticks tops, wild pansy tops, chamomile blossoms, thyme tops, horsetail and licorice root. Add 15 grams of valerian root. Reduce the herbs to small pieces and mix thoroughly. Infuse a tablespoon of the mix of herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave the tincture to brew for 20 minutes. Decant it and drink at once. Do not keep the decoction for a longer time.
    Infuse one fourth of a glass of hop bolls with a glass of boiling water. Leave the mix to brew for half an hour in a warm place. Drink 50 milliliters of the decoction before meal. It is a good remedy to fight dermatitis and allergic skin rashes.
    Prepare a decoction of nettle and oak bark. Add it to the bath water and take the bath 3 times a day.
    If you suffer from hay fever, an effective remedy relates to bees wax. You should chew the wax in accordance with the strength of your allergy. In case of mild form of the disease, you should chew the wax once a day every other day for a week. If the allergy is more serious, you should increase the frequency of wax chewing to 5 times a day for first 2 days followed by 3 times a day till the moment the allergy recedes. In addition, you can take 2 tablespoons of honey every time you chew the wax. As I have already mentioned, bees wax is very effective - the watering of the eyes stops after 3 minutes, you can easily breathe through your nose after 3-6 minutes, cold is terminated after 5 minutes and pain in throat is reduced after 3-5 minutes. In case of need, you can chew the wax more often - even for a whole day in order to avoid cold and to ensure the ability to breathe through nose.
    You can get rid of chronic hay fever by chewing bees wax 3-4 times a week for 3 years. But you should do it regularly to achieve the desirable results.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Allergy Treatment - Uncover Natural Remedies to Fight It

Mix short new pine tree spears, buds and a bit of needles with water so that water covers everything. Boil the mix at least for half an hour on small fire. The color of the mix should get brown. Decant the tincture and add honey to condense the decoction. Eat a teaspoon of the mix several times a day to fight airways disorders.
    In spring and summer prepare a decoction of peppermint, dandelion, thistle, greater celandine, peony and valerian. Every herb use for 3-4 weeks. Afterwards, the procedure can be resumed after a week of interruption, but with the next herb. Infuse 15-20 grams of herb with a glass of boiling water and continue to boil the tincture for 10 minutes. Leave the decoction to brew for half an hour and decant it. Drink as a tea.
    In autumn prepare a decoction of nettle, peppermint, dandelion, common yarrow, licorice root, valerian, peony and marjoram. Every herb use for 3-4 weeks. Afterwards, the procedure can be resumed after a week of interruption, but with the next herb. Infuse 15-20 grams of herb with a glass of boiling water and continue to boil the tincture for 10 minutes. Leave the decoction to brew for half an hour and decant it. Drink as a tea.
    In winter use the decoction of following herbs - thistle, wild pansy, three-lobe beggar ticks and peony. Every herb use for 3-4 weeks. Afterwards, the procedure can be resumed after a week of interruption, but with the next herb. Infuse 15-20 grams of herb with a glass of boiling water and continue to boil the tincture for 10 minutes. Leave the decoction to brew for half an hour and decant it. Drink as a tea.
Do not use shampoo and soap to wash the skin areas affected by allergy. Cleanse the bad skin areas with olive oil. Wear cotton clothes. Avoid wearing synthetic or woolen clothes or at least do not let them touch your skin. Air your clothes inside.
Allergy as a disease is less dangerous than the fear of it. You neither should let the disease prevail over you, nor feed it with your emotions. The less the fear of allergic conditions (or any other disease), the sooner the disease recedes. You should visualize yourself being sound as a roach as often as possible. Try to avoid visualizing your disease. Do not talk about it and other sad topics while eating and drinking. It is due to the fact that you penetrate food with this negative energy.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

An Aspirin Allergy and Its Relationship to a Salicylate Allergy

Individuals who experience an allergic reaction when taking aspirin, or any medications which contain aspirin, have what is commonly called an aspirin allergy. However, this type of allergy is actually quite rare affecting only about one percent of the entire population.
In most cases people who have a reaction to aspirin have a 'sensitivity' to the medication itself and are not having an actual allergic reaction where the immune system is responding to an allergen. Individuals who are sensitive to aspirin and have the medical condition known as asthma or sinus problems due to other allergies can experience serious complications such as an asthma attack when taking any products which contain aspirin.
However, the symptoms related to aspirin sensitivity can be mild to severe and are very much the same as an allergic reaction including itchy watery eyes, hives, swelling of facial areas, including the mouth and tongue, and difficulty breathing. However, it is extremely rare that aspirin causes such as severe reaction that it is life threatening.
One of the primary ingredients which aspirin contains is 'salicylates' which are natural chemicals that are found in many plants. Salicylates are also found in many food products particularly vegetables and fruits as well as many common cosmetic products and medications.
An individual is said to have a salicylate allergy when their immune system responds in the form of an allergic reaction when they come in contact with or ingest anything containing salicylates. The severity of the reaction depends upon the tolerance level of the individual to salicylates and can be mild to severe or even lead to anaphylaxis which is life threatening.
If you have a sensitivity to aspirin, it is essential that you read all labels on over the counter medications to determine whether they contain any aspirin and avoid taking these products. If you have a salicylate allergy it is imperative that you educate yourself about all the foods and products which may contain these chemicals. If you suspect that you may have a sensitivity to aspirin or a salicylate allergy, it is essential that you consult with your primary physician so that these conditions may be properly diagnosed.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

An Explanation of Allergies That You Should Read

Many conditions in the body are caused by our environment and the foods we eat. Almost half of the people have some sort of allergies, triggered by either outside forces or by ingesting something that the body cannot handle. The following is an article that has will help with explanation of allergies and the symptoms to look for.
Most people are familiar with seasonal allergies. It is when the time of year will affect your nasal passages. It is caused by certain types of pollen are in the air because of the fresh vegetation that is around. This pollen and other spores, such as mold, are floating in the air so that when a breath is taken, they actually enter the body either through the mouth or nose. The spores, when entering the body, causes the person with seasonal allergies to sneeze, have itchy and watery eyes, and causes their nose to run. These reactions occur because the body is actually trying to flush the pollen and spores out the best way it can. Although this type of allergy is not life threatening, it can cause the person with the allergy to be miserable during the spring and summer months.
These allergies will often send the person to the drug store looking for some kind of medication that can help relieve the symptoms. If the over the counter medications don't work, your doctor can help by giving you allergy shots. This can be quite affective but can prove to be quite costly. Another type of allergy that exists in many people is allergies to certain foods. This is when certain foods, most commonly peanuts, gluten and eggs, cause your body to have a severe reaction. Swelling of the face and throat will occur and this can be deadly. The only way to avoid having an allergic reaction to foods that disagree with the body is to avoid them and any type of processed foods that may contain the ingredient that cause the reaction.
When someone is allergic to medicines, whether it is over the counter or prescribed, it can also be a deadly situation. One of the most common medicines that people tend to be allergic to is penicillin and any medications that are in the penicillin family. It is imperative that you tell your doctor and nurses that you are allergic to this medication so that is not accidentally given to you. These medications are known as antibiotics and they are used to fight infections. A doctor can prescribe other antibiotics that will fight the infection without putting a patient's life at risk.
There are many other people that claim to be allergic to cats, dogs and other domestic animals that have fur. They may not necessarily be allergic to the animal itself; it is usually an allergic reaction to the dander that the animal releases from its furry coat. This kind of allergic reaction can get severe enough to send someone with the allergy to the hospital because of the swelling of the face and throat. Not only will animals cause an allergic reaction, insects can trigger the reaction as well. Biting insects, such as fleas and mosquitoes, will cause some people to swell and itch. This can easily be treated with a topical solution and over the counter medications.
Another very common allergy trigger is certain types of plants, poison ivy and oak being the most common. Itching and redness will occur, sometimes becoming severe. It is not an uncommon occurrence to have to seek medical attention in some cases of poison ivy and oak reactions.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Anti Allergy Pillow Cover - Comfort and Protection From Allergens

Sleeping is the best way for people to rest and regain their energy. The only problem is when the item that they use for sleeping like pillows and cover would cause them allergies. This is why many people would like to have anti allergy pillow cover as part of their beddings.
The main purpose of an anti allergy pillow cover, coming from the name itself, is its ability to control the production of allergens on the pillow. Manufacturers of these pillow covers did their best to revolutionize the way of how they woven the fabrics used on it. They made it as tight as possible so they can prevent the penetration of different allergens.
Although many people are suffering from these allergic reactions, they still don't find the need of buying anti allergy pillow cover as it may affect the way they sleep. Most of the time, people may think that since they are woven tightly, the fabric may be very rough in texture. But looking closely in different stores, anti allergy pillow cover manufacturers already fixed this problem to assure every consumer of comfortable sleep.
There are now many suppliers that used tightly woven materials but with still a smooth texture to keep you comfortable wile sleeping. These are made from microfibers that are woven together will protect your pillow from dust mite invasion. Remember that aside from the dust mites itself, another allergen for people are the waste products that they produce. This material will give you double protection from these organisms as well as the waste that they produce.
Aside from dust mites, there are still other allergens that may have negative effect for people like dusts and other smaller materials. The good thing about these covers is that even if they can block allergens of several microns in size, it will still assure the buyers of having a breathable material that will keep them cool and comfortable at night time.
In getting an anti allergy pillow cover that will meet your comfort needs, it is very essential for you to find the right suppliers or vendors that sell this product. Read reviews of all the buyers who got their anti allergy beddings for them to make sure that you will get the ones with the same quality that you are looking for. Now, you can say hello to good night sleep without the runny nose or itch on your face.http://www.allergy-zero.com/hypnosis-to-overcome-allergies/

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Allergies - A Trigger to Asthma Or Separate Medical Issue

Allergies and Asthma Today - Disease or State, Proper Diagnose and Treatment
Apart from genetically predisposed persons, with family members suffering from various types of problems, including asthma, repetitive bronchitis and allergies and changes in our atmosphere bring the number of patients higher each year, where all age groups are represented.
Common triggers of asthma and allergy related problems are all around us. Wherever you look, there is someone sneezing, coughing, eyes are watery while numerous invisible particles are floating around in the air, causing our nose, eyes and lounges to react.
Asthma was known for a long time and treated as a malfunction of the entire bronchial system, while in the older times considered even lethal because of inability to exhale properly.
While asthma in the old times used to be treated with inhalations only and sleeping in close to sitting position, medicine today improved that much in this field, that numerous tests can be conducted on a patient to find out exactly what kind of allergen would trigger the attack.
Most important of all is setting the proper diagnosis.
Not so long ago, a large number of allergic persons where repeatedly diagnosed with "reoccurring" bronchitis and filled with antibiotics, while in fact they were allergic and needed antihystamine drugs and inhalations. However, the situation is rapidly changing for such patients with the introduction of various skin and blood tests, for variety of allergens present all around us, in air, food etc.
The test is the first step to determine if a patient is allergic. Swollen eyes, problems with breathing and dry cough are usually the indicators of allergy triggered asthma. Logically, proper diagnose will lead to proper treatment.
Diagnose in such a state is extremely important. If proper treatment is applied at an early stage, and patient followed up for years, the attacks might vanish at all, especially in kids' asthma, where the youngsters reach puberty.
Allergy tests are extremely accurate; there are prominent pulmonary and allergy specialist, who already state that allergy related asthma is not actually an illness, but rather a state. To be truth, an allergic patient might suffer a lot, but his state can be resolved in the matter of minutes if there is a proper history of occurrences. Compiled with a detailed medical history and all the relevant information, allergy tests will provide identification to various "triggers", which cause allergic reactions.http://www.allergy-zero.com/

Are Food Allergies Causing Your Sinusitis?

People may respond to the altered diet habits because they have either a food allergy or a food intolerance. No matter what you may have heard from your well-meaning neighbors, friends or co-workers, allergies and intolerances to food are not the same.
A food allergy is the response of your immune system to the consumption of a certain food. It is an immediate response, in fact. You eat a food you're allergic to, your body will let you know about it just about immediately.
Not only that, but you'll feel the affects of a food allergy regardless of how much of the food you eat (which, as you'll discover shortly, sets it apart from a food intolerance). Even a minute amount of the food can prompt symptoms of your allergy. While for some people this can mean hives or digestive problems, it may also appear in the form of a sinus problem as well.
Many people experience, as part of their allergic reaction, nasal congestion or dizziness, two of the symptoms intimately linked to sinusitis.
Got Hay Fever?
You May Have A Food Allergy Too!
You don't have to take my word for it, though. The Mayo Clinic explains that many individuals suffering with hay fever, may also experience an allergic reaction to certain fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and spices.
This type of reaction is referred to as pollen-food allergy syndrome or oral allergy syndrome. This condition is a prime example of what's known as cross-reactivity. The proteins in fruits and vegetables actually trigger the reaction due to their similarity of the allergy-causing proteins of certain pollens.
Let's say, for example, you're allergic to ragweed. You then may also have an allergic reaction to melons. Find yourself allergic to birch pollen? Don't be surprised if you can't tolerate eating apples.
Sometimes this reaction can be mitigated simply by cooking the foods. For reasons yet fully understood, cooked fruits and vegetables don't cause the cross-reactive oral allergy symptoms.
If you suspect this might be a cause of your sinus problems, then consult the table below to discover some of the more common triggers.

Are Food Allergies Making You Fat?

I have been researching the many healthy ways that people can lose weight and keep it off. I have culminated this research as well my clinical experience into a new book called "Your Drug Free Guide to Healthy Weight Loss".
Food Sensitivities
Did you know that you may actually enjoy a food that you are sensitive to? You can actually become addicted to foods that make you sick. Many people consume foods that upset their metabolism and pack the pounds on. Common food sensitivities are wheat, sugar, dairy, shellfish, alcohol and citrus.
Oftentimes people do not know what foods they are sensitive to and have a reaction to. It can be difficult and confusing to accurately diagnose food sensitivities. Not only is food sensitivities related to weight gain but other conditions such as ADHD, insomnia, chronic sinus and ear infections, depression, IBS, crohn's disease, colitis, hives, eczema,acne, constipation, headaches, heartburn, gas and bloating, the list goes on...
Typically in the clinic people report they were allergic to dairy as a child and are okay now. Yet they cannot live without it. They are hooked. A person eating a food that they are sensitive to gets hooked on it. It also can create a lot of inflammation in the body, which can trigger receptors in the brain to stop responding to leptin (a hormone that makes people feel satiety when they eat).
There are many factors to consider in food sensitivities. Scientists still do no have all of the answers with the reasons that people have intolerances to certain foods. Some known causes of sensitivities are an increased toxic burden in the body, dysbiosis, heredity, over consumption of the same foods and psychological stress.
Ways of Detecting Food Intolerances and Allergies
Types of testing to detect food allergies or sensitivities are many and there is debate over which ones are most effective. Conventional allergists use skin prick tests and/or blood testing. Alternative health professionals may use blood tests, electrodermal screening (EDS) and applied kinesiology. Skin prick testing is considered by some to be less effective for foods than for environmental sensitivities such as pollens, dust and moulds. According to Dr. Julian Kenyon, the skin prick test is only 40% to 60% accurate. He claims the EDS testing is 70% accurate in the hands of a skilled practitioner. We use EDS at the clinic and can test for 280 foods. We also deal with a lab service that can test the blood for 98 foods. However, EDS is so quick and affordable we use it much more often.
Heather Caruso is a best selling author of the book, "Your Drug Free Guide to Digestive Health" and homeopath in private practice for the past decade plus in Guelph Ontario. She has written another book called "Your Drug Free Guide to Healthy Weight Loss" which helps people to not diet, but to eat to stay healthy and uncovers barriers to weight loss and how to beat them with natural remedies.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Allergic Eczema - Uncover Effective Herbal Remedies to Say Goodbye to It

Allergy can lead to eczema, in other words, eczema is one of the allergic conditions. In addition, it can be accompanied with asthma. Therefore, you need to get rid of it to avoid experiencing those unpleasant feelings. The following herbal remedies are going to help you with allergic eczema treatment.
    If you suffer from allergic eczema, the following natural remedy will be of help. Pestle oak bark to get a glass of it. Infuse one glass of the bark with one glass of water and boil the mix for 5 minutes. Afterwards, add half a glass of three-lobe beggar ticks tops and half a glass of common yarrow. Leave the mix to brew for 15 minutes. Soak your arms in the decoction for some time and let them get dry. Do not wipe your arms. If you increase the proportion of herbs within the decoction accordingly, you can prepare herbal bath. But remember to get dry naturally without wiping.
    In order to fight asthmatic eczema, prepare the following compresses. Mix 10 grams of verbena, 10 grams of chamomile, 10 grams of rose flowers, 10 grams of oak bark, 10 grams of common yarrow and 5 grams of saliva. Infuse the mix of the herbs with half a liter of boiling water and let the tincture to brew. Put compresses of the decoction on the bad skin areas or wash the skin with the decoction and let it get dry without wiping.
    Another remedy to fight allergic eczema relates to the use of verbena. Infuse 10-20 grams of verbena herbs with a glass of boiling water. Drink the decoction as a tea without any restrictions. The more serious the asthmatic eczema, the higher the proportion of herb within the decoction. The proportion can even be increased for three times compared to the initial amount.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Are There Cures For Sinusitis?

There are many sinus sufferers worldwide. A clear definition of sinusitis is: swelling of one or more nasal sinuses. It may be a complication of an upper respiratory infection, dental infection, allergies, a change in atmosphere, as in air travel or underwater swimming, or a defect of the nose. With the swelling of nasal mucous membranes, the openings from the sinuses to the nose may be blocked, causing pressure, pain, headache, fever, and local tenderness. Although rare, complications may include spread of infection to bone, brain, or meninges (spine). The treatment for sinusitis includes steam inhalations, nasal decongestants, analgesics, and, if infection is present, antibiotics. Surgery to improve drainage may be resorted to as a final measure to treat chronic sinusitis.
Symptoms are not the same for everyone- it depends on the person and each individual case. The longer one waits to be treated, the worse the effects can be on a person. To improve your chances of avoiding sinusitis, or to help have less serious cases of sinusitis, changing your lifestyle choices can make a difference. Certain irritants such as smoke, cleaning products, hairspray, and other products that can cause irritation and swelling of the mucous membranes can be avoided, or at least, exposure to them reduced. You can take control of how you live and change products to lessen symptoms that are associated with sinusitis.
When the air filled cavities in your head fill with mucus and don't drain properly, this can cause bacterial infection. Try to keep allergens as low as possible by dusting and vacuuming frequently, washing bed linens often and keeping pets groomed and cleaned. Removing as many allergens from the home as you can by using these methods will reduce your chances of irritation and the consequent mucus buildup that can lead to sinusitis.
Fresh air always does the body good. On nice days make sure that you open the window and doors to get rid of the old air in your house. But do make sure that you have screens in place to keep out pesky little critters. Ventilation is a great idea and if you are not able to enjoy the fresh air due to weather conditions, you can make sure that your heating and air cooling systems are up and running properly and that they are free from dust and mold. Change the filters in your heating and air conditioning systems frequently. Having dirty air blow all through your house will only aggravate the sinus problems that you are already experiencing. Try to maintain the air in your home at a neutral level; you don't want these conditions to be too dry or humid. Use a humidifier or a de-humidifier, depending on the conditions in your home.
If you know that you are prone to sinus infections, you should take care of how you care for your body. Taking extra steps to keep infections at bay will make your life a little easier. Sinuses may be small but when they become overwhelmed with infection they can become a "BIG" problem. Daily nasal irrigation may be a good idea if you are known to have chronic sinusitis. This is easily done by mixing salt with hot water and introducing the liquid into your nose to clear anything that may have become stuck. There are over the counter nasal sprays that can help with severe blockages, but be careful; these can become addictive and can cause adverse affects known as Rhinitis. They will work for a few days but then swelling can set in. The last thing you want is for a medication that was meant to heal you end up hurting you. The best thing that you can do to keep sinus problems at bay is to seek the advice from your doctor and use a daily regimen that you both agree is right for you. Before doing any treatments consult a physician.http://www.allergy-zero.com/

Are You Afraid of the Bug Rash Attack?

Head lice
Lice are generally small blood sucking, wingless bugs that are transmitted by close contact with a person infected with it. The head lice known medically as pediculus capitis are bugs that infests only the head hair causing your scalp to be itchy and have bug rash. Basically anyone can catch head lice and they are usually more common in girls than boys. Head lice infests by a direct contact such as sharing personal belongings such as hats. They do not fly, jump or hop. Female louse lays about six to eight eggs a day and these eggs takes seven to ten days to hatch leaving the eggshell onto the hair.
Wet combing is the most effective and common way to get rid of these bugs that causes rash and discomfort. It can be used to remove lice without the need of insecticides. Wash your hair in the normal way you always do and apply lots of hair conditioner. Then comb with a fine lice detector comb, starting from the roots of the hair all the way to the tip. For every stroke you gather, wipe it with a cloth. Repeat this step a few more time and you will soon find the lice bugs on the cloth.
Insecticides are another effective way in eliminating these bugs that cause you discomfort and bug rash on your scalp. Insecticides contain malathion, phenothrin, permethrin or carbaryl. The usage of carbaryl can only be obtained from your doctor. Malathion and carbaryl should not be used more than once a week for three weeks at a time. Follow the instructions given to cure the bug rash.
This is a highly irritating and infectious skin bug rash caused by a bug known as sarcoptes scabiei burrowing through the upper layer of the skin. The bugs has an allergic reaction causing an intense itch that gets worse at night. Sores and scabs may appear on the wrists, between fingers and toe spaces. Scabies is caught by close contact between people such as holding hands of an infected person which result in bug rash.
There are variety of creams and lotions to treat scabies and avoid any future bug rash. Lotions containing malathion or permethrin are very useful. Your whole household should undergo the treatment together. Lesions may remain, causing itching for a period of time thus an anti itch cream like the calamine lotion or antihistamine tablets are recommended. Although there are lesser chance of transferring these bugs through clothing or skin scales, such transfer is possible with crusted scabies.
Bed bugs
Bed bugs live in nooks and crannies around the room on hiding in furniture as well as bedding itself. They bite at night causing rashes and itchy red spots and bug rash surrounded by a blisters and are usually found on exposed skin such as the hand legs or face. You can simply relieve the itching and the bug rash by applying calamine lotion or one per cent hydrocortisone cream or with oral antihistamines.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Are You Allergic? A Checklist For Common Areas of Allergies

How do you know if you suffer from allergy? Check out the checklist to read more about the common areas that you are prompt to get allergies.
Nose and Airways
If you have been sneezing constantly especially when in contact with things such as dusts, pollen or cigarette smoke, you may be allergic. Symptoms of inhaled allergens can cause shortness of breath, coughing and wheezing. For some people, reaction to allergens can be mild but for some, their immune system may react strongly against their allergens and may develop asthma.
If you have been rubbing your eyes frequently, this may be an indication of an allergic reaction. For some people, they will also experience some forms of redness and tearing of the eyes, runny nose and blurred vision.
Have you ever experience or hear about someone with allergy reactions when eating certain type of food such as nuts or seafood? If your answer is yes, then you are suffering from food allergy, also known as Oral allergy syndrome.
For people who has food allergy, the sufferer will feel some form of itching or burning sensation in the lips and mouth area. The sufferer may also experience the swelling of the lips and feel a sensation of tightness in the throat.
There are a number of skin allergies and the most common skin allergy conditions are eczema and hives. How do you know if you are suffering from skin allergies? Common symptoms can be seen when you start scratching your skin constantly. Sometimes, rashes and inflammation will develop and the problem does not seem to go after a couple of weeks. If you think you may be suffering from skin allergies, check out with a skin specialist to get a accurate assessment of your conditions.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Are You Allergic to Cat Dander?

How do you prepare for your doctor's visit?
So how do you know that cat dander is causing your sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, nasal congestion, itchy nose, postnasal drip, coughing, facial pressure, frequent awakening, skin rash, or swollen, blue-colored skin under your eyes? The only way to know for sure is to visit your immunologist. Prepare for the doctor's appointment by doing the following things.
· Write down any symptoms you're experiencing, including any that may seem unrelated to allergy-like symptoms.
· Write down your family's history of allergy and asthma, including specific types of allergies if you know them.
· Make a list of all medications, as well as any vitamins or supplements, which you're taking.
· Ask if you should stop any medications, for example, antihistamines that would alter the results of an allergy skin test.
What tests can you expect?
During a skin test, tiny drops of allergen extracts, and animal proteins are pricked into your forearm or upper back. The drops are left on your skin for 15 minutes before your doctor or nurse observes your skin for signs of allergic reactions. If you develop a red, itchy bump where the cat extract was pricked into your skin, you are allergic to cat dander.
When a skin test cannot be performed because of the presence of a skin condition or because of interactions with certain medications, your doctor may administer a blood test. This test screens your blood for specific allergy-causing antibodies to cats.
Even if you don't own a cat, almost 28% of the homes in the US have at least one cat-sooner or later you will enter a home that has a cat. If you've been diagnosed with an allergy to cat dander, here are some things you can do to protect yourself.
· Use over the counter or prescriptions drugs to decrease your symptoms.
· Wear a mask when in contact with cats.
· Wash your face and hands after contact.
· Do not touch your face or eyes after contact.
· Change your clothes after being near cats.
· If weather permits, ask to open some windows.
· If available, sit on leather furniture.
· Ask to sit out on the deck or patio.
It's best to ask before a visit if your host has a cat. If they know, they may vacuum and clean their house thoroughly. They may be willing to keep their cat in another room and put sheets on upholstered furniture. It's best to take your medication before entering the house. With these precautions your cat dander won't put a damper on your social life.http://www.allergy-zero.com/hypnosis-to-overcome-allergies/

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Are You Allergic to Dust Mites?

Dust mites produce allergens that usually aggravate asthma. According to studies, about a tenth of Americans show allergic reactions to them. This can worsen during the winter when houses are usually kept closed and dust mites, along with their feces, accumulate inside.
How Do You Know You're Allergic?
You'll know you're allergic to mites when you get asthma attacks or experience a difficulty in breathing. Your lungs may also feel clogged. In addition, you may feel some facial pressure and pain. Other symptoms would include inflame eczema, itchiness, nasal congestion, runny nose, and sneezing. Your eyes may also water or redden, or the skin under them may become swollen and blue-colored. When you're sleeping, dust mite allergies can cause you to frequently awaken.
These symptoms can be further aggravated by poor ventilation and indoor air pollution such as cigar smoke and car fumes.
What are Dust Mites?
They are microorganisms that live on flakes of shed pet skin or human skin. An adult usually sheds about 1.5 grams of skin every day. This gives these microorganisms a whole lot to feed on. In this regard, they are most highly concentrated in kitchens and bedrooms. A used mattress, for instance, would have anywhere from 10,000 to 1 million mites inside.
They usually live on the bedding, especially if you're using feather pillows. They can also be found in your mattresses, carpets, upholstered furniture, and even on your clothing.
Aside from feeding on shed skin, another reason why they like staying in your bedroom and kitchen is because they thrive in temperatures of at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity levels of 75% to 80%.
Know the symptoms of dust mite allergies so that you can treat them correctly and prevent them from occurring in the first place.http://www.allergy-zero.com/

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Are You Allergic to Your Luxury Bed Linen?

Allergy Alert: When you come in contact with a substance that causes your body to produce an adverse reaction; you may be experiencing an allergic reaction. Generally, allergies cause the body to produce a substance called histamines as a way to tell the body that something is wrong.
Some allergies occur in the bedrooms with bedding, linens, certain fabric types, carpeting, and draperies that can cause allergic reaction to dust, dust mites, and other allergens common to this room.
• You may suffer a stuffy nose and congestion
• You may have runny, itchy eyes
• You may develop persistent body itchiness
Dust can accumulate underneath your bed, on heavy draperies or blinds, on seldom-used upholstery, and this dust, when disturbed, can trigger an allergy attack. Did you know...?
1. That making the right choices in bedding can be the difference between a sleepless, stuffy night and miserable morning or a restful sleep?
2. That dust mites are a common allergy and they live in every mattress, no matter how expensive?
3. That pillows should be encased in dust mite-proof pillow covers which unzip and can be laundered often?
4. That airing pillows regularly can also benefit the allergy sufferer?
5. That mattresses can be cleaned using a HEPA filter vacuum when a thorough cleaning is needed?
6. That investing in a good, quality dust mite-proof mattress cover is money well spent?
7. That cheap foam pillows emit gasses, called out-gassing, which can irritate breathing passages, causing allergy and asthma attacks?
So, could you be allergic to Egyptian Cotton or Bamboo fabric types? You may be. But if you experience any of the symptoms above, your luxury bedding may not be for you. So, be mindful about the type of fabric and luxury linen that you purchase for your bedroom design.