Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Are You Allergic to Your Luxury Bed Linen?

Allergy Alert: When you come in contact with a substance that causes your body to produce an adverse reaction; you may be experiencing an allergic reaction. Generally, allergies cause the body to produce a substance called histamines as a way to tell the body that something is wrong.
Some allergies occur in the bedrooms with bedding, linens, certain fabric types, carpeting, and draperies that can cause allergic reaction to dust, dust mites, and other allergens common to this room.
• You may suffer a stuffy nose and congestion
• You may have runny, itchy eyes
• You may develop persistent body itchiness
Dust can accumulate underneath your bed, on heavy draperies or blinds, on seldom-used upholstery, and this dust, when disturbed, can trigger an allergy attack. Did you know...?
1. That making the right choices in bedding can be the difference between a sleepless, stuffy night and miserable morning or a restful sleep?
2. That dust mites are a common allergy and they live in every mattress, no matter how expensive?
3. That pillows should be encased in dust mite-proof pillow covers which unzip and can be laundered often?
4. That airing pillows regularly can also benefit the allergy sufferer?
5. That mattresses can be cleaned using a HEPA filter vacuum when a thorough cleaning is needed?
6. That investing in a good, quality dust mite-proof mattress cover is money well spent?
7. That cheap foam pillows emit gasses, called out-gassing, which can irritate breathing passages, causing allergy and asthma attacks?
So, could you be allergic to Egyptian Cotton or Bamboo fabric types? You may be. But if you experience any of the symptoms above, your luxury bedding may not be for you. So, be mindful about the type of fabric and luxury linen that you purchase for your bedroom design.

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