Friday, 16 March 2012

5 Proven Methods For Alleviating Aggravating Allergy Symptoms

Are allergies causing you misery day in and day out? Frustrated with the thought that you may have to go through life like this the rest of your life? Fortunately, there are several steps you can take in your daily life that can go a long way in improving your symptoms to the point where you can actually enjoy living again!
The following 5 proven methods have done wonders for many folks when it comes to lessening their allergy symptoms, and I'm sure they will do the same for you.
1. Wash Bed Linens In Hot Water
Bed Linens should always be washed in water that is at least 130 degrees so that you'll be able to get rid of any dust mites and their waste that may be lurking in them. To verify the temperature is above 130, simply fill the wash tub with hot water and check the temperature with a meat thermometer. Hey! Don't try this with a front loader! If you are concerned with washing your laundry in such a high water temperature out of fear of scaling someone that may be near the washer, take your bed linens to a professional laundry service.
2. Replace Wall To Wall Carpeting With Throw Rugs
Doing this will eliminate your home's biggest collector of dust, pollen, pet dander and mold. You'll also make keeping your home allergen free much, much easier. Throw rugs can be washed in a washing machine at temperatures high enough to kill dust mites and mold. In addition, the floors under the throw rugs will stay cooler and drier due to the looser weave, meaning there will be fewer places that have an environment mold and dust mites thrive in.
3. Use Synthetic Pillows
Dust mites really love all pillows - including synthetic pillows. But with synthetic pillows, you are able to wash them in water over 130 degrees and kill the dust mites.
4. Get Rid Of Clutter
Clutter is a great place for dust to collect. Dried flowers, books, stuffed animals, etc., etc., hold all sorts of dust and allergens. Keep them at a minimum, or better yet, get rid of them.
5. Make One Room In Your Home A Sanctuary
If you can't afford to install central air conditioning, and aren't interested in ripping out all of your wall to wall carpeting, don't fret. Simply make one room in your home - the best is your bedroom due to the time spent there - an allergen free area. Air condition the room in the summer and seal it off from the rest of the house by keep the door closed. Replace wall to wall carpeting and replace it with a throw rug, encase linens in allergen free cases and keep it dust free.
I hope you've found these 5 tips helpful.

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