Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Egg Free Food - Does Necessity From an Allergy Prevent You From Eating the Egg

Do you seem to have a sensitivity to the egg?
Often this will translate not only to the chicken but other fowl as well. Quail and ducks are two of the most common. Advance carefully before you attempt eating any eggs from other fowl until you can verify your safety.
The symptoms of a possible egg allergy can be first noticed at any time during your life but the greatest percentage of diagnosed cases are in children from 1 to 3 years of age. Children do have the advantage though with an egg allergy. Often, as their digestive system matures with age, many kids will completely "outgrow" their sensitivity. Unfortunately, this same scenario is hardly ever true for adults. If you acquire the sensitivity during the teen years to adulthood, you will probably have it for life.
How Do I Live Without Eggs
At first diagnosis, most people don't seem to be very concerned about their diagnosis. The general attitude is usually: No more eggs, that's OK! But then reality sets in and people begin to realize just how many foods are prepared with eggs. Almost all baked goods and a large percentage of cooked foods require an egg in preparation. So alternatives need to be found to replace the egg in food preparation.
What Can I Use To Replace The Egg?
Actually there is a wide assortment of substitutions readily available. There is no reason, with an egg allergy, for you to worry about any losses to your normal diet. Starch-based replacers (for cakes, cookies and pastries), fruit and vegetable-based replacers ( are most commonly found in baked fruit loaves and bars), plus binders which hold your meat-based ingredients (such as meat loaf, meatballs, sausage etc.)are all still easily prepared with the right replacements.
Many companies even have boxed prepared dry mixes which can often be used for convenience.
Therefore with an egg allergy, time and education are needed for you to learn how best to prepare easy and delicious meals without the "miracle egg".

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Find Out If These 2 Foods Are Making You Allergic

The rate of allergic conditions that include asthma, eczema and hay fever is increasing. There are many theories that subscribe that these conditions are caused by one specific factor however, there is no clear medical evidence that points at one specific cause. It is more or less a combination of different factors that cause these allergic reactions in people.
Many of these factors can be linked to more pollution in our environments and the diets and lifestyle we lead. Over the last 30 years the western diet has changed greatly with greater amounts of processed foods that use many chemicals and additives in their production.
The following 2 food types are well known to be linked to causing allergic reactions in people.
This grain is used in many foods especially bread. Of all the grains most people have a reaction to wheat. There is growing evidence that the active ingredient in wheat that causes this allergic reaction among people is gluten. Gluten is a protein which many people are sensitive too.
Too much alcohol can have serious consequences for your health. For people who have allergic reactions even a little alcohol can make them ill. Alcohol can inhibit the functions of the digestive system to digest the food we eat properly. The increased levels of undigested food in the gut can increase the risk of allergic reaction in people. Also, yeast is used in the production of alcohol especially in beer. If you drink beer and feel ill afterwards then you maybe yeast intolerant. There is some yeast used in wine but less compared to beer. If you are yeast intolerant it does not mean that you have to stop drinking alcohol. You can either try vodka or champagne which both use very little yeast in their production.
If you feel that you are allergic to certain food types then try following tips.
Stop eating food that you think is causing you an allergic reaction for two weeks. Stop eating one food only during each 2 week period and monitor if there is any change in your condition. Reintroduce the food after the two weeks and at the same time cut out another suspect food for the following fortnight. Again, keep monitoring if there are any changes in your condition.

Monday, 28 November 2011

First-Hand Armor Against Sting, Bites and Allergies

Insect stings and insect bites can be detrimental to both children and adults especially when it launches a full scale allergic attack to the body. A sting or a bite can make the damaged tissue swell or redden. Their enzymes are responsible for the feeling of itchiness when humans got stung or bitten.
Anthropods are the most common insects to be found in nature. Usual insect or sting bites come from, ants, mosquitoes, wasps, bees, and hornets. When stung or bitten, insect sting bites allergy can be caused by the "venom" and or chemical substance injected to the skin. This substance breaks down proteins and cellular tissues. Sometimes, insect can also carry potentially fatal diseases like malaria and dengue in mosquitoes.
Medical science is recommending immune therapy as a solution to insect sting bites allergy. Allergic reaction can be minimal or decreased if a patient undergoes immunotherapy. It is effective and significant for those who are hypersensitive to insect bites or stings. The procedure is done by exposing the patient to minimal levels of insect bites or stings. This happens when certain "venoms" is injected through the skin to enable the body to develop a more reactive and superior defense when the real sting or bite is experienced.
However, immunotherapy is contraindicated to the immune compromised patients like those who just underwent chemotherapy and or those who are affected by AIDS. It is also not advisable to those who have angina that are at risks of heart attack. Beta blockers and other cardiac medicines are contraindicated.
Ultimately, immunotherapy significantly reduces insect sting bites allergy and avoids systemic allergic attacks that can be life threatening. Moreover, ask your physician about other benefits of immunotherapy both for you and your children. Usually, a prophylactic treatment is better than cure. Avail immunotherapy shots today at your nearest medical clinics.
Emmanuel Villarosa contributes to many free article directories and is a paid staff writer for, where you can find articles on subjects ranging from wood file cabinets [] to flat file storage []. You may republish this article free of charge, anywhere online, as long as all keyword links are left intact.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Food Allergy Symptoms With Children - What You Must Know

A few sneezes, might be considered a seasonal allergy condition, however should this become a serious allergic reaction to food, it is doubtful many of us parents are prepared to recognize the symptoms or react quickly.
These are the most common symptoms to look for, with food allergies. You can experience some, or possibly all of the following.
Common Symptoms:
    Itching and swelling of your lips, tongue, mouth and throat
    Heavy deep coughing
    Skin irritation, with itching condition.
    Feeling sick, nauseous, vomiting, followed by diarrhoea,
    Wheezing, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath
    Runny nose
    Sore, red puffy-itching eyes
These are very easy to recognize once you understand the symptoms. They usually appear out of the ordinary.
These type of symptoms if recognized by the parents, allow you time to take action, see a doctor, or medical center, even a hospital, depending on the severity. What ever your decision, you are fighting time, do not wait.
Common problem food: These include peanuts, nuts of a wide variety, including macadamia, Brazil nuts, pecans, cashews, even almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts.
Seafood and other common foods: Fish, shellfish, shrimp, cows milk, eggs, so-ya and wheat flour.
If you find children have one type of food allergy, they may also react to other foods, which is not uncommon. If you're allergic to shrimp, other seafood may also affect you. Understanding the basic symptoms will prepare you should your children ever show signs of an allergic reaction to food, and give you ample time to seek help.
There is good information available in many of the online medical journals that can offer good advice on this condition with food allergies. It is well worth the research, to keep up on the latest information provided.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Get to Know Poison Ivy Cures

Poison ivy rashes develop from an allergic reaction to exposure to the resin found in the plant's leaves and stem. Because these rashes are allergy related and not due to an infectious agent, there is no real cure for eliminating poison after exposure has occurred. However, poison ivy cures can be found for treating the symptoms of exposure to the plant.
Immediately following exposure, you can do several things which will limit the potential of developing a rash. These include the rinsing of the skin with water, preferably soapy water. Additionally you can limit exposure to the resin by washing any clothing that could potentially have come in contact with the plant. If you're unable to launder the clothes, then you should at least try to rinse them with water.
Applying rubbing alcohol to the exposed skin area can also help to remove as much of the resin as possible. Removing the resin helps to prevent it from absorbing into the skin and causing an allergic reaction which results in the development of the rash.
Poison ivy cures for treating the rash after it appears primarily focus on alleviating itching and discomfort. It is also important to remember that the area should be kept clean and dry, as broken blisters can promote bacterial and viral infections if not properly cared for.
To treat the itch and inflammation of the rash, you can use various home remedies. These can include baking soda mixed with water to create a paste. The paste can be applied to the rash area, providing soothing comfort and temporarily reducing itching.
Oatmeal bathes are another home remedy easy to use for the treatment of it. They can be quite soothing, especially in the case of large rashes covering a significant part of the body.
Other poison ivy cures for treating the symptoms of the allergic reaction can include the use of corticosteroids and antihistamines. Both can be found in topical creams and ointments, available over-the-counter. They are used to alleviate itch and irritation, and to reduce swelling or inflammation in the area of the rash. The use of other topical itch treatments can also be employed, including zinc oxide ointment and calamine lotion.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Getting Rid of Poison Ivy

Poison Sumac, poison oak and poison ivy are unique plants that use an oil called Urushiol to protect itself. When Urushiol comes in contact with skin, it can cause a variety of reactions from a basic rash to the skin bubbling and burning to severe allergic reactions. It usually takes two to three weeks for the body to overcome the reactions, but there are faster ways to help your body fight this oil.
Dermatologists believe that 15% of the population will not have any sort of allergic reaction to Urushiol. Unfortunately, the rest of us will have to suffer the consequences. The plant itself is widespread for much of the US and Canada and chances are you will encounter the plant. Knowing what the plant looks like is your first line of defense for dealing with these plants. The leaves are thin, shiny and of course, green. It has three leaves and the edges are usually irregular. The rule of thumb is "Leaves of three, Leave it be!" If you have to work in or around poison ivy, wear long pant, socks, shoes and socks, long sleeve shirts and gloves. The worst is getting poison ivy on your hands! Also don't burn poison ivy because the oils can become air born!
If you do all that and find yourself feeling that itch, don't scratch it. Scratching will spread the Urushiol around and create more of a problem. It will take about 48 hours for the symptoms to occur. It will start as small red, itchy spots. After that, they may become blistered and start to ooze. Stay inside and cool. The warm air will cause the oil to penetrate easier into your pores. Wash your skin immediately with cold water. Don't scrub or use hot water. Don't use soap because it can loosen the oil, but it may not wash off. Wash your nails because the oils can stay under your finger nails and cause more spreading. Let your skin air dry. It will help with reducing the itch and the oozing. The ooze is just bodily fluids and not the oil.
The real trick is to get rid of the Urushiol and it is very easy to do. Mineral spirits like Tecnu can kill the oil. Paint thinner or gasoline can also work but be very careful. It will dry your skin out and you run the risk of setting your hand on fire. It is not recommended to use paint thinner or gasoline. If you do decided to use it, let it sit on your skin for a few minutes and then thoroughly wash your skin. It should take a few days for the swelling to reduce, followed by cracking and flaking.
Although getting rid of the Urushiol is easy, the symptoms can drive people crazy. Antihistamines don't work very well for eliminating the itch because of the type of reaction poison ivy has. It is a type IV delayed hypersensitive reaction, unlike an anaphylaxis reaction that most people get with pollen, cat hair or other common allergies. Antihistamines can help with sleeping and reducing the chances of itching while you are sleeping. Jewelweed-based products can help and is a natural remedy. Another remedy to help you get through the itch is calamine lotion. It will help calm the itch and redness and dry the blisters. Other remedies include. Prescription strength Hydrocortisone can help dramatically. See you family doctor for his decision. There are more dramatic drugs that can be described depending on how sever your rash is like Clobex or Prednisone.
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Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Gluten and Cross-Contamination Issues

Cross-contamination occurs when a gluten-free food comes in contact with a food or a surface than contains gluten. Cross-contamination is a very real problem for those who follow a gluten-free diet. There are steps you can take to avoid cross-contaminating of your food. Gluten is invisible to the naked eye, but can contaminate surfaces such as counters, cutting boards and utensils.
A good example is making two peanut butter sandwiches. One sandwich is with wheat bread and the other is with gluten-free bread. You set two pieces of wheat bread on the counter. Then, you spread the margarine and peanut butter on the wheat bread. You cut the sandwich in half and place the halves on the plate. You remove the knife you used, the margarine and the jar of peanut butter. Now you are ready to make the gluten-free peanut butter sandwich. You take out the gluten-free margarine, the gluten-free peanut butter, the gluten-free bread and a new knife. You set the bread on the counter..... and you've just contaminated the gluten-free bread with the gluten that is on the counter from the previous sandwich! You can't see the gluten, but it's there on the counter.
If you are going to make toast with gluten-free bread, you will need two separate toasters. Once you place a slice of wheat bread in a toaster, it is contaminated and cannot be used for gluten-free bread. You cannot share utensils (knives, forks, spoons) between gluten and gluten-free foods. You need to use separate utensils for each type of food. It is not necessary to purchase a new set of pots, baking pans or utensils to be used specifically for the gluten-free food. However, you do need to pay close attention to how you take care of these pans and utensils. A thorough washing will remove the gluten from them. If you use wooden spoons, I would suggest using separate wooden spoons for both foods as gluten can be absorbed into the wood. Plastic storage containers need to be separated, also. Plastic can absorb gluten (the same way they absorb orders and colors) and will contaminate any gluten-free food you store in it. Be sure to mark the gluten-free plastic containers clearly. Foods that will not be consumed in one serving, such as margarine, peanut butter, mayonnaise, etc. need to be kept separate. If you use a knife to spread margarine on a piece of wheat bread, the knife is contaminated and cannot be put back into the margarine without contaminating the entire container. We keep separate containers for each of these types of foods. The same "keep it separate" rule applies to gluten-free flours. Do not store gluten-free flours in the same cupboard as the wheat flours. The possibility of cross-contamination is too high. We store all non-perishable gluten-free foods in a separate cupboard. We also separate gluten-free foods in the refrigerator - they have their own drawer.
Cross-contamination can also be a problem when eating in restaurants. A restaurant may advertise that they offer gluten-free foods. However, if they cook their gluten-free foods alongside the other foods, you no longer have gluten-free food. It has been contaminated. If a restaurant uses the same utensils on both foods, your food is no longer gluten-free. Many people understand that foods need to be prepared with gluten-free ingredients. Unfortunately, they don't understand the cross-contamination issues. Always check WHERE the restaurant is preparing their gluten-free foods, and if they use separate cutting boards, pans and utensils. Do they prepare the gluten-free foods in a separate area in the kitchen? If not, your food may be exposed to gluten cross-contamination.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Gluten Free Flour - Bringing Gluten Free Cooking Back to Life

If you have an allergy to gluten, you've probably gone through your fair share of frustration for times when one of your favorite recipes called for wheat. Some of the best tasting meals in the world are just not fit for a gluten free lifestyle. That is, of course, unless you use gluten free flour. Believe it or not, there are companies out there that have been able to come up with a tasty flour substitute that contains no gluten whatsoever. It's the solution you've been waiting for.
Gluten free flour is a revolutionary idea that is literally changing the way people eat. It tastes just like regular flour and can be used in any recipe you want. You may have to add a bit more liquid to maintain the same consistency you would with regular flour, so just be prepared to experiment initially. Once you do experiment though, you can eat foods just like you would normally without having to worry about a bad reaction. This is great for people who love to cook, and even better for people who love to eat. Everybody wins in the long fun, and the food still remains delicious.
How does gluten free flour work exactly? It's made from the flours of other grains besides wheat, like rice and tapioca. There are a few other ingredients mixed in to preserve the four and help it gain a similar consistency to wheat flour. Once it is made, it is tested to ensure that there is no gluten contamination in the mix. Then it is packaged up and shipped out to stores for you to purchase. You may have difficulty finding this in a local grocery store, but it's readily available online for you to purchase.
If you want, you can use gluten free flour with other food substitutes, like those for eggs and other dairy products. Again, you may have to alter some recipes a bit to get the right consistency for the food, but that will come in time. Don't expect the first recipe to be perfect, but if it is, congratulations. Overall, a little bit of experimenting is well worth the peace of mind that you can eat the foods you've always loved. Make a fun night out of this and create as many recipes as you can think of. Invite friends over and see if they can taste the difference. If not, your work is done.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Gluten Free Foods - What is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, rye, and barley. Gluten is found in foods that use these grains in the ingredients. Common foods that contain gluten include breads, cereals, and pasta. Even though these may be the most common foods there are many others that contain gluten as well. Wheat especially is hidden in many foods that the average person consumes every day.
Oats are a grain that is questionable for this subject. Some people with gluten intolerance can eat them. Some research indicates that oats themselves do not contain gluten but they usually are manufactured with wheat products, causing cross-contamination. Due to this contamination oats often get left off of a Gluten free food list. Other research explains that oats contain a protein that is very similar to wheat and should not be included in a gluten free diet. Oats continue to be debated for this issue.
Gluten is most often used in bread dough to make it chewy. It also helps to make the dough less sticky. Gluten is also an aid for the bread to maintain its softness and its shape. Wheat flour and wheat starch is another gluten product that helps to create softness and shape in bread based products. Wheat starch is often used as a thickener for soups, dressings, marinades, and other liquid food products.
The number of people who maintain a gluten free diet is growing. People with Celiac Disease, gluten intolerance, and Autism often stay strict to a diet with no Gluten. There are other reasons why a physician may suggest a Gluten free diet. People who suffer from acid reflux, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, and many other medical concerns may try a diet without Gluten. The diet may give relief from the symptoms associated with any of these medical diagnoses.
Gluten free foods include most whole fresh foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and meats. There are grains that do not contain gluten such as millet, wild rice, corn, quinoa, and soybeans. Other foods such as bread, pasta, and cereals can be purchased as long as there is a certified gluten free label on the packaging. These certified foods are made in food manufacturing plants where there is no other gluten products made at that specific location. Other processed food labels should state the use of gluten but have to be read very carefully by the consumer.
There may be great health benefits to starting and maintaining a gluten free diet. People who want to begin eating gluten free should consult their family physician. A physician can also be a good resource for a gluten free foods list. A doctor may also provide other ways to incorporate healthy whole foods and grains that do not contain gluten into a daily diet.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Gluten Free Living

Whether you've taken a stroll down the bread aisle at your favorite grocery store, or visited your favorite artisan bakery, you've probably noticed a growing number of labels that proclaim, "gluten free!" Peruse your local bookstore and you'll find several magazines with headlines about gluten intolerance next to books on gluten free living. What's behind the hype on gluten, and why are so many people jumping on the bandwagon?
The medical term for serious gluten intolerance is "celiac disease." One in every 133 Americans have it to some degree. Gluten intolerance is an autoimmune condition in which gluten, the binding protein found in grains like wheat, rye, and barley, causes serious irritation to the upper gastrointestinal tract. When people with this condition eat grain products, their immune system reacts by attacking the villi, the tiny finger-like structures in the intestines that absorb nutrients. The autoimmune response triggers a harmful chain reaction throughout the body.
Symptoms of celiac disease can include:
• Abdominal pain
• Bloating
• Abnormal bowel movements
• Rashes
• Malnutrition and weight loss
• Vomiting
• Muscle weakness
• Fatigue
• Irritability or depression
• Poor memory and inability to concentrate
• Osteoporosis
• Lactose Intolerance
• Cancer, especially intestinal lymphoma
• Neurological disorders such as seizures and peripheral neuropathy.
If you suspect you may have celiac disease or gluten intolerance, you should see a doctor for testing. In rare cases, other serious diseases can cause similar symptoms. Receiving a definitive diagnosis will give you peace of mind and a green light to begin changing your diet.
The good news is that 70% of people will improve their symptoms within just two weeks of adopting a gluten free diet. This means avoiding all grain products in favor of vegetables, fruits, legumes and lean proteins. Most dieticians agree that this is a healthier way of eating for anyone, but if you have celiac disease, you will find that as the intestinal lining heals, this way of eating is an excellent means of restoring well being to your body.
If you are gluten intolerant, avoid not only grains, but hidden sources of gluten such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein. Great non-gluten alternatives will allow you to enjoy baked treats, breads, and pastas without fear or adverse reactions. Corn, quinoa, rice, potato, soy, arrowroot, tapioca, sago, flax, almond flour, and polenta are all easy-to-find baking substitutes. Popcorn is a healthy way to enjoy a crunchy, starchy, non-gluten snack.
If you choose to go gluten free, it may be helpful to see a nutritionist to help you adapt your menus to meet all of your nutritional requirements. Celiac disease often contributes to anemia and malnutrition, so as you recover you will want to replenish your body. Moreover, many gluten-free commercial products do not supply adequate levels of vitamins and minerals. A nutritionist can help you compensate with complementary food choices.
As you adapt to a gluten-free way of life, you'll enjoy experimenting with new cooking materials and recipes. Support groups and online resources are abundant, and offer a strong sense of community as you embark on a gluten free life journey.
About The Author:
James Novotny writes informative articles relating t

Friday, 18 November 2011

Gluten Wheat - Why Some People Must Avoid It

Gluten wheat is commonly used in a variety of food situations. It's something that a lot of us don't even notice, but it's a big deal for people with gluten allergies. Ingesting this kind of wheat can actually upset the small intestines, resulting in weight loss, bad stools, fatigue, and ill feelings overall. Gluten gives bread its springy texture and is found in wheat, barley, and rye. People who have Celiac disease are not able to consume those products because of the gluten within. Thus they must adjust a great portion of their eating habits to still live a normal life.
The only way to improve a gluten allergy is to remove gluten wheat from your diet. This can be tough at first because there are a ton of different foods and drinks that use gluten in them. Breads, malt alcoholic beverages, pastas, and most baked goods are removed from the menu and replaced with vegetables, meats, and fruits. This isn't a bad thing per se because it may be a great diet plan. For people who love the taste of those foods though, the results are disappointing.
Luckily, there have been a surprising number of substitute products that have hit the market without using gluten wheat. For instance, people can now use gluten free flour in a lot of their favorite recipes. It looks and tastes the same as regular flour, but it isn't made from wheat at all. The only issue you may run into if you opt to use some of this is that it doesn't always use the same amount of ingredients. You may have to make small adjustments to a recipe to get it to work the way it should. That's a small price to pay though when you gain the ability to eat anything you want.
If you are out eating and can't make your own food, you will need to be leery of what you get. Most restaurants are going to have menus packed with gluten wheat. You can always opt for a salad and grilled chicken, but avoid anything with breading. Also check with a manager to see if gluten is used in any of the preservatives in the food. Some chilies, for instance, have gluten in them. Since a lot of fast food places have been making healthier foods recently, you just have to pick through the stuff on the menu you can. There are always options out there.
About The Author:
James Novotny writes informative articles relating to Gluten Intolerance, what it means, and most importantly, how to live a non gluten life. James is proud to be able to help spread Gluten Awareness through first hand knowledge via his blog at My Non Gluten Life.Com. Visit often for advice, tips, fresh food, fast food choices, gluten wheat and much more. And don't forget to sign up for the newsletter so that you can be notified of new Gluten Free content quickly.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Great Facts and Tips on Bed Bugs and Dust Mites

It is four in the morning and you are awaken by the uncomfortable itchiness that you have throughout your body. You turn on the light and are surprised to find unexplainable welts and wheels. What could have caused these allergies? Unfortunately, you could have been attacked by bed bugs. All throughout your childhood you have heard the same phrase over and over again, "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite".
Who would have thought that bed bugs truly existed. I always saw it as something fun to say or an easy way to scare a younger brother or sister. Many confuse bed bugs for dust mites thinking that they are both the same thing. Although they are both bugs that are drawn to the bed, they are different in many ways. The bed bug is a teeny, flat creature that is almost the exact size of an apple seed. They live just about anywhere you can think of but are especially drawn to the mattress, springs and headboards of the bed. Believe it or not, they can also be found in carpets, under wall paper, behind baseboards, small cracks and crevices. Surprisingly enough, they can live months without feeding. They are brown in color until they suck the blood of its victim and turns reddish brown. This creature attacks their victims while they are asleep. Humans are awaken by what seems likes a rash because of all the scratching. If you feel that you or your someone you love has been bitten by this creature, immediately wash the bite with warm water and white soap. The soap should be clear of fragrances. Safeguard soap and Ivory are good choices. Apply over the counter hydrosone cream to the affected and surrounding area. Try the best you can to not scratch the bite. An open sore can form and can require medical attention.
Dust mites on the other hand are prone to dusty areas in the home. Although dust mites are naked to the human eye and don't bite, they can cause serious allergic reactions especially to those who suffer from allergies. Beds are their prime habitat. Bedroom carpeting also support a high mite population. They live off the dead skin and hair we shed off and pet dander. Pet dander is dead skin from our pets. Some of the common allergic reactions to dust mites are itchy watery eyes, sneezing, hay fever, nasal congestion and so on. These symptoms can easily be confused with the flu. Dust mites allergy symptoms can prevented or lessened by removing dust mites from the environment:
    Bed sheets should be laundered weekly. Two to three times a week would be best. Many feel that washing bed sheets weekly is ridiculous and expensive. I would rather spend a couple of dollars more in electricity then spend hundreds more on medical expenses and trips to the doctor.
    I have said it over and over again and I will say it again, everyone should own at lease one duvet cover in every room in the home. Duvet covers can be easily washed as often as needed and are great in preventing and getting rid of dust mites. When laundering duvet covers or any other bed sheet, hot water is a must. This will kill off existing dust mites that may be crawling around in your bed sheets.
    Vacuum daily. Vacuuming your entire home is a great way to kill dust mites and its eggs. You can also get rid of carpets and stick to the wooden floors that may be underneath your carpets.
    And last but not least is dusting. Dust, dust and dust some more! Dusting furniture as often as you can is a very good idea.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Has a Hives Cure Been Found?

With all of the money spent on medicine these days, you would think that by now there would be some kind of hives cure on the market. Unfortunately, though, there is no magic cure in the works, and the best that you can hope for is to find a product or technique that will help relieve the symptoms.
Because there is no magic pill to stop hives, the first thing that you should be doing is looking for its cause. Each person is unique and each case of the hives is brought on by something different. It may be that you are allergic to a food or a plant, a metal or an animal. Even a certain scent could make you break out in hives.
You may also get hives because you are under stress or suffering from embarrassment. We have all seen people who get red in the face, the neck, or the chest when they are embarrassed. This type of hives can be as serious as an allergic reaction, and it can also cause pain and discomfort for a long period of time.
The most common hives cures are based on home remedies, and although they are not really curse, they are ways to relieve the symptoms and make the person suffering from hives feel temporarily better. A cool oatmeal bath is a soothing way to make the skin feel better and relieve some of the itching. A cool shower will reduce the swelling and the redness. Rubbing the skin with aloe vera gel will make it feel better and a little less itchy.
So, the sad truth is that if you are looking for the essential hives cure, you are out of luck. There are natural products available that will get rid of the symptoms and even stop your hives from returning for a while, but nothing works all the time.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Has Anyone Had The Carroll Food Intolerance Test Done And Think It's Reliabl

I recently responded to a question asked on a website, whether anyone had the Carroll Food Intolerance Testing done and thought it was reliable. They explained how they had been tested but didn't take it seriously, that they were still suffering. They further questioned if maybe they have a wheat sensitivity.
This was my response:
Hello, I find it fascinating that you would go to the effort and expense of being tested and then not follow through, yet doubt the validity of the testing! Over 30 years ago I was evaluated by Dr. Harold Dick using the Carroll Food Intolerance testing method. It saved my life! I referred, and personally took others, to see him, now refer people to his daughter Dr. Letitia Dick (Windrose Naturopathic Clinic, Spokane WA.) and to Dr. Jared Zeff (Salmon Creek Clinic, Vancouver WA.). Countless patients can testify to being cured by these methods when nothing else worked. One acquaintance I know of had schlera derma, she was in incredible pain and the allopathic meds weren't helping. Dr. Dick tested her for food intolerances, she avoided them and not only did the swelling and pain go down but she was able to live without the meds.
The nature doctors know that every dis-ease known to man is created in the digestive system. It doesn't matter what the ailment is. The body is a healing machine if allowed to do what Nature intended it to. IBS is an obvious and immediate condition that points to something being ingested that the body is not able to break down and utilize, thus causing disruption and irritation. Without the proper digestive enzymes to break down the food, it then causes toxic reactions. We are all genetically predisposed to not having one digestive enzyme or another. Hence, the doctors using the Carroll Food Intolerance Test will evaluate the patient for a number of food categories.
I suggest you give it a try before touting that it doesn't work. I suspect you question that yourself, otherwise why bother asking others what results they've had? Aren't you just a little tired of searching for answers? And yet, it's right in front of you!
We have all been exposed to AMA indoctrination, and that of the western medical world. For over a century they have treated and out-rightly called Naturopathic physicians "witch-doctors." They have made fun of us to our faces when we inquired about natural options. Yet, their methods of treatment only address symptoms, not causes. In doing so, the immediate symptoms might be masked, but the body is still sick, and the problem will only arise somewhere else.
My personal food intolerances are potato and a combination of fruit/sugar. There are many derivatives and chemicals created from the different food categories, so it takes a little effort to totally avoid them.
It's worth a try, staying off the foods you've tested intolerant to. What have you got to lose but the pain and discomfort of being sick all the time?
I want to add something to this: It is common to feel sick and show symptoms of other dis-ease as the body goes through the healing process. It must reverse itself from the existing condition, basically going backwards, through the steps of chronic illness, through acute illness, then to wellness. It's possible, if this person was actually refraining from eating their food intolerances, that they may be going through healing crises on their way to reaching well being.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Herbal Remedies For Sinus Problems

Everyone who suffers from sinusitis is looking for any way they can to get fast relief. There are a lot of people who suffer from sinusitis on a daily basis. A sure way to find some type of alleviation would be to use some good "ole fashioned" herbal remedies. These kinds of sinusitis herbal remedies will be able to help you with proper sinus drainage.
Since the beginning of time, herbal remedies have been used to help congestion and stuffy noses, which are the root causes of sinusitis in the first place. Medications today all seem to have some sort of side effect, whereas herbal remedies have been used safely for generations without any problems. Many herbs are used in various ways to treat sinusitis; you can use them for inhalation therapy or add them to hot water to make a tasty tea.
Eucalyptus is a powerful scented herb that works wonders on colds, sore throats and congestion. It has the ability to shrink swollen tissues in the nasal passages and with its natural antiseptic powers, it will knock the cold or sinus problem clear out of you. It is still being used today in modern medicine for the same purpose, in the form of cough drops. But before cough drops were even dreamed of, people would go to their garden and picks some eucalyptus leaves and make a healthy cleansing tea out of the leaves.
Peppermint is another strong herb that is great as a tea or an inhalation treatment. We all know how refreshing peppermint is, and this refreshing scent can clear the sinuses and provide relief from clogged nasal passages.
Another old fashioned sinusitis herbal cure for those who need relief from colds and respiratory problems that are associated with sinusitis is Echinacea. This is a great way to kill viruses. Today, you can get it in a capsule form, and so it is easier to consume, but beware if you are allergic to ragweed. Echinacea and ragweed are similar in nature, and if you are allergic to one, the chances are good that you will be allergic to the other.
Gingersnap cookies are great as a holiday treat, but did you know that it is a natural headache stopper as well? Ginger also has great anti inflammatory components. Ginger, like most of these cures, can be brewed as a tea, or taken in a pill form. Goldenseal is another excellent herb that has natural steroid like compounds that can help sinusitis by reducing congestion and overall improving your health. Lemon balm leaves can help with the smallest of things such as the bad breath that may result from sinusitis, to fighting off bacterial infections that often accompany sinusitis. You can use these leaves in teas; steep for about 10 minutes and sip yourself healthier.
Sometimes it just isn't enough to rely on sinusitis herbal remedies and you need to take control and make some drastic lifestyle changes. Sinusitis is often triggered by certain food products, and you can help your situation by cutting out dairy products such as cheese and milk. Wheat products, oranges, sugar and red meats may also be dietary culprits in the battle against sinusitis. By avoiding these foods, you may be able to slow the production of mucus that holds the infection.
Many people believe that keeping the passage clear at all times is the best sinusitis herbal secret. This natural remedy consists of salt and warm water that you mix together to irrigate your nasal cavity; just squeeze the liquid into your nasal passage on a daily basis. And even if you already have some discomfort from impacted mucus, you will find relief with this natural cure.
Another remedy to try, especially if your nasal cavities are dry, is to use a vaporizer at night while you sleep. This too can open your airways and can bring you peaceful sleep. But the important thing is to be proactive in addressing your sinusitis. Herbal cures and other natural remedies should be your first line of defense.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Herbal Remedies For Sinusitis

Although over-the-counter remedies and prescribed medications are available to help cure sinusitis, many people choose to take the natural route. Herbal remedies are fast becoming more and more popular due to their positive effects on the body and immune system. The best herbal remedies for sinusitis are:
Garlic can be taken as a supplement, but it is much more effective if taken in its natural form. When used in foods, garlic can eliminate harsh tastes while it helps ward off various infections such as the common cold, flu,or sinusitis.
Eucalyptus can be used either on the skin or mixed into bathwater. It can be applied directly to the forehead and temples or mixed with vegetable oil and applied to the skin. The eucalyptus leaves can also be substituted for oil by crushing the leaves into water, then placed into the nostrils or on the chest.
This berry is rich in vitamin C. The flower has an anti-inflammatory effect which stimulates the immune system, making it very popular during the flu season due to its healing effect on the system.
Brome lain
This is produced mainly in Taiwan, Japan and Hawaii. The enzymes found in the stem and juice of the Pineapple make it an effective treatment for sinusitis due to its anti-inflammatory benefits.
Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is effective in fighting bacteria and viruses. Take dried lemon leaves and brew in hot water for 10 minutes, then drink. The lemon tea can also be used as a gargle for the throat.
Most importantly, please note that Echinacea should not be taken if you are allergic to ragweed. Unlike some of the other remedies that can be taken on a regular basis, Echinacea should only be taken at the very onset of an illness. It should be taken in capsule form, and the dosage should be decreased after several days. Echinacea is an effective remedy for sinusitis due to its ability to boost the immune system.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Herbs For Sinusitis

As with many inflammations that occur within the body, there are many different types of cures for sinusitis. Sinusitis is a condition which is marked by the inflammation of the nasal cavities, known as the sinuses, that are located on the face and most closely related to the nose. When it comes to curing this condition, one must target a remedy that will alleviate the sinuses and lower the pressure that produces nasal cavity stress. There are many remedies that can and have been used to treat this condition. Medications can be prescribed by a physician or a physician's assistant. There are also natural remedies which are actually preferred by many.
Medications themselves can be a main cause of sinusitis. Oftentimes, the side effects of such medications are to blame for sinusitis. Therefore, a lot of people are hesitant to using more medications in order to remedy the problem. Thus, many people have inquired about herbs for sinusitis as a natural solution for prevention and healing.
Some herbs that can help sinusitis sufferers are usually taken with tea or some form of liquid that is not strong. Depending on the severity of the sinusitis, whether acute or chronic, one can determine what type of herb they will need. Herbs are known to relax the sinuses and alleviate sinusitis.
Goldenseal is a type of herb that can help alleviate the effects of sinusitis. It can be taken in pill form with the dosage measures in milligrams, or it can be taken as dried root and prepared as tea. Nettle and licorice are two types of herbs that can be consumed in a similar manner. When these herbs are consumed on a regular basis, it will have a longer lasting and better effect. There are different ways in which one can consume these types of herbs. Depending on the severity of the sinusitis, one can consume it either once or twice or even up to four times. For those people with acute sinusitis, about three or four doses will be effective. People with chronic sinusitis might need only twice a day.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

3 Allergy Medications That Help, Not Hurt

Allergies: is the treatment worse than the problem?
For many allergy sufferers, it's a toss-up. Antihistamines help the itch but put you to sleep. Decongestants open the airways but keep you awake. Prescription eye drops are soothing but cost a fortune. Steroids work wonders but cause weight gain and swelling.
Is there a way to treat allergies without experiencing side-effects?
For most people the answer is yes, though it may take some experimenting. Here are three medications you can trust to provide significant relief with minimal side-effects.
1. Clarinex. Clarinex is the most recent addition to the class of non-sedating antihistamines. This group includes Claritin, Allegra, Zyrtec, and generics of the same. Claritin and Zyrtec were originally by prescription but are now available over the counter. Allegra and Clarinex remain by prescription only. The non-sedating antihistamines were developed in response to the most common complaint of antihistamine use, i.e. drowsiness. The sedating antihistamines are still available (Benadryl, chlorpheniramine, and others) and remain useful for allergy symptoms through the night. They are the sedating ingredients in OTC sleep aids.
Clarinex is the only non-sedating antihistamine not yet available in generic form, and is therefore most expensive, running over $100 for a month of medication. Check online at the Clarinex web site for options to decrease your out-of-pocket expense. You may want to consider trying loratadine (generic Claritin) or another generic first at a cost of less than $10 a month.
2. NasalCrom. Another medication that was formerly a prescription drug, over-the-counter NasalCrom Nasal Spray (cromolyn sodium) works by making your nose less sensitive to allergens (pollen, dander, dust, and other particles to which you are allergic). In this regard it is similar to the nasal steroids (such as Flonase, Nasacort, Nasonex), which currently run $60 to $120 a month. At a cost of under $20, NasalCrom is a bargain.
Each one of these inhaled medications is intended to prevent rather than to treat the symptoms of nasal itching, drainage, and congestion. They all work best when taken on a regular basis. If you wait until you are experiencing symptoms to use them, you may find them ineffective. If you only require medication on an occasional basis, you're probably better off using Clarinex or another of the non-sedating antihistamines.
3. Singulair. When Singulair was first released it was intended as an asthma medication only. However, asthma frequently has an allergic component, and the medication is especially useful in people who suffer from both asthma and allergies. A few years ago it received the indication for use in non-asthmatic allergic patients as well.
In general, Singulair does not cause drowsiness nor have the caffeine-like effect typical of decongestants. Similar to inhaled steroids and NasalCrom, it is better at preventing allergy symptoms than treating them. At the current time it is available only by prescription at a cost of approximately $130 per month's supply. The manufacturer offers savings options at the Singulair web site.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Effective Methods Of Mold Allergy Treatment

Mold allergy is a reaction that people have to exposure to molds and their spores. This usually occurs during warmer months but can appear all year round if the area is warm and humid. Many people are allergic to molds but have no idea what they are allergic to because the symptoms of a mold allergy can be similar to those of hay fever or a common cold.
There are several methods of mold allergy treatment that can be considered effective. These methods may not be cures since the probability of getting rid of an allergy is low or even nil.
Immunotherapy As Mold Allergy Treatment
Immunotherapy runs on the premise that one gets immune to something that one is regularly exposed to. This form of mold allergy treatment operates on exposing the individual to small doses of mold initially. The amount of mold that the individual is exposed to is eventually increased very slowly so as to give the immune system a chance to grow immune to the element. Many believe that this mold allergy treatment is effective but there are also others who doubt its veracity. The individual reaction of each person is different from each other so the efficacy of the mold allergy treatment may vary also.
Medications For Mold Allergy Treatment
Taking drugs to counter the allergic reaction to mold is another form of mold allergy treatment that is more common. Antihistamines, bronchodilators and corticosteroids are among the most prescribed mold allergy treatment medications around. These are what most doctors prescribe for most allergies that originate from inhalants. Medications are probably the fastest way to get rid of allergies but this efficiency sometimes comes with a price. There are some mild side effects to taking medications for mold allergy treatment which may bother the individual for as long as these are taken. Drowsiness is the one of the most common side effects of any medication for mold allergy treatment.
Prevention Of Mold Allergy
The saying that an ounce is prevention is better than a pound of cure is right. Mold allergy treatment can be avoided by reducing the individual's exposure to molds by eliminating them from places that the individual frequents. Taking the time to notice the state of the home is something that can help eliminate molds. Adjusting the house's humidity, storing food properly and getting rid of water leaks are just a start to getting rid of mold.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

What Is Mold Spore Allergy?

Molds are organisms that attach themselves to organic matter and eat their way through it. Basically, molds spread around by releasing spores into the air and when the spores settle on organic matter they thrive when conditions are good. Molds like it when the area they are in is moist and dark, although they an also live in relatively humid and bright areas.
People often have mold allergies when exposed to mold spores. Mold spore allergy occurs during the time when molds release their spores into the air. The times of higher possibility of getting a mold spore allergy are usually during spring and autumn. This is because these are basically the warmer months and usually the time when it is optimal to reproduce. Some people are more sensitive to mold spores compared to exposure to molds themselves. A mold spore allergy is something that comes out of this sensitivity.
Symptoms Of Mold Spore Allergy
The symptoms of a mold spore allergy are basically the same withal other allergies triggered by exposure to molds. These symptoms are sneezing, a stuffy nose, watery and itchy eyes, post nasal drip, congestion, clearing of the throat, slight coughing and sometimes reduce hearing. These are the more common symptoms of a mold spore allergy.
Treating Mold Spore Allergy
Mold allergy treatment is usually through medication and through prevention. Antihistamines and corticosteroids are among the medications prescribed for individuals who suffer from mold spore allergy. These medications inhibit the production of histamines and enable the management and control of the symptoms that come with a mold spore allergy.  There may be some mild side effects that come with these medications but in all they can manage to control the allergy very well.
Awareness of one's surroundings is a way to prevent mold spore allergy from frequently occurring. Checking for mold colonies and infestations is something that needs to be done in humid areas. Water damaged areas of the home needs to be fixed or treated to avoid these being the site of a mold colony since molds thrive in moist areas. Other areas of the home that will need special attention regarding molds are the kitchen, the bathroom, the basement and also the attic.
A mold spore allergy can be dangerous if the individual is continually exposed to molds without any respite or control. Some molds are toxic and can promote serious conditions in humans which may be fatal or life threatening.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Suggestions For Mold Allergy Relief

Mold allergy is a reaction wherein an individual is more sensitive than others to molds and mold spores. The symptoms of this form of allergy is akin to having hay fever or having a common cold which is why it may be difficult to pin it on mold if the allergy does not occur always. Mold allergy relief comes in different forms. There is a need for mold allergy relief since the symptoms can be cumbersome. Molds spread by releasing spores in the air thus inflicting mold spore allergy on a lot of sensitive people.
Medication As Mold Allergy Relief
Medication is ultimately the fastest way to control and manage mold allergy. There are several kinds of medication that are effective in managing the symptoms of mold allergy. These medications for mold allergy relief include but are not limited to antihistamines, corticosteroids and bronchodilators. These are the same common medications that are usually prescribed for allergies due to pollen and other respiratory allergies.
These forms of relief can be quick acting but can also have some side effects such as drowsiness, slow reflexes and others. Dependency as well as immunity to the drug can also develop in cases where the individual takes the same medication for a long period of time.
Cleaning And Storing
Cleaning is a form of mold allergy prevention instead of mold allergy relief. Getting rid of molds in the home and other frequented places can offer mold allergy relief by giving the individual a respite. There are many ways of keeping your home mold free but these ways are not guaranteed to be 100% effective. Getting rid of apparent infestations of mold colonies is one way to go about having mold allergy relief. Using a dehumidifier is also effective as well as keeping areas of your home relatively moisture free. Cleaning areas prone to molds such as the kitchen, bathrooms, the basement, the attic and other places is a good way to start having mold allergy relief. Scrubbing the bathroom and kitchen tiles with a bleach solution can get rid of apparent mold colonies.
Food storage is another way to get mold allergy relief. Many foods get moldy even after a day out of the refrigerator or days inside the refrigerator. It is best to store foods that spoil easily in the freezer or in airtight container to minimize exposure to mold spores.
Water leaks can also be sources of moisture for molds. Be on the look out for water damage on walls, ceilings and floors because these can start a mold colony if left untreated.
Getting the right kind of mold allergy relief that works for you is essential for those who suffer from allergies due to molds.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

The Dangers Of Having Black Mold Allergy

Black mold is also called toxic mold although not all black mold are the type of toxic mold that can be fatal. Having a black mold allergy that is caused by the mold Stachybotrys chartarum can be life threatening and extremely dangerous when the allergy occurs frequently. The reason why this type of mold is dangerous is due to the factors on which the mold is living on. The type of matter on which the mold is on, the level of humidity and pH all work together to produce mycotoxins. Exposure to these mycotoxins is what can bring humans to conditions that can be deadly.
While not all kinds of black mold are toxic, the toxic kinds can lead to conditions that may be hazardous to our health. Black mold allergy is often triggered by exposure to live molds, dead mold and mold spores. Molds spread through spores which is why they have a need to release their spores seasonally. These spores are usually airborne and are the primary causes of black mold allergy. Those with respiratory ailments and conditions are most at risk when they are exposed to black mold.  Infections as well as reduce efficacy of the immune system can also arise when constantly exposed to black mold.
Black mold allergy is often experienced during spring up to late fall. During winter, the molds tend to hibernate or go dormant if they are outdoors and exposed to the cold. Molds found indoors where there is ample heat for their survival and life continue as they have whatever season it may be. This is the reason why in warmer climes black mold allergy can occur anytime or in warm or humid houses during winter, one can still get a black mold allergy.
Treating And Preventing Black Mold Allergy
Black mold allergy relief often comes in the form of medication. Corticosteroids, bronchodilators and antihistamines are the usual medications prescribed for individuals who suffer from black mold allergy. Immunotherapy can also be recommended as a way to make one immune to allergens by slowly exposing the individual to the allergens in small but increasing doses.
Preventing a black mold allergy from occurring may require vast clean up of the house. Using a dehumidifier and keeping the home as dry as possible may help prevent allergies from happening. Storing food properly as well as being aware of can promote mold growth is another way of preventing mold in the home.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Recognizing A Mold Allergy Symptom

Mold allergy is something that can happen to people who are sensitive to molds and their spores. Although a mold allergy symptom may occur usually during spring and fall, there are also cases when allergic rhinitis occurs perennially. Some people know when they are experiencing a mold allergy symptom and this is done through common sense. There are actually very little, if there are, differences from a mold allergy symptom to other symptoms of and allergy due to a respiratory nature.
Molds are organisms that survive best in humid or slightly moist places. They thrive in moist areas and can go unnoticed for several years if they are located in areas which are covered or protected from our eyes. Molds reproduce through spores which they usually release into the air. Molds are actually quite helpful for the environment because they actually break down organic matter. They can be dangerous to humans because there are species of molds that can be fatal when ingested or inhaled. An example of this is black mold allergy or infestation which can be fatal when the individual is exposed to the mold and spores frequently.
Factors That Point To Mold Allergy
 There are several mold allergy symptoms that can point the way to recognizing that it is a mold allergy you are dealing with. These mold allergy symptoms can be similar to hay fever. Wheezing is a mold allergy symptom that can lead to the individual having some difficulty breathing. Having a runny nose is another mold allergy symptom that can occur with hay fever or other respiratory allergies. Congestion in the nose and having itchy, watery eyes are also more symptoms of mold allergies. If you noticed, the mold allergy symptoms mentioned here are reminiscent of the common cold's symptoms and also that of hay fever.
A mold allergy symptom that occurs after you have been exposed to foods can e common mold sources is what can only point to you having a mold allergy. There are several foods that are processed with mold or are prone to molds. Cheeses ad mushrooms are among the number one foods that can cause a mold allergy symptom. Vinegar and some foods that may contain vinegar are also possible causes of a mold allergy. Foods made with yeast can also trigger an allergic reaction while other foods which are prone to molds may have mold growth in them which can not be detected by our eyes.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Symptoms and Treatment Of Mold Allergy

Mold allergy is something that usually occurs during spring to late autumn to people who are sensitive to molds and their spores. For people who have a mold allergy and who lives in a perennially warm climate,  be prepared for regular bouts of allergic rhinitis due to molds. Those who have molds in their home can also expect to suffer from a mold allergy occasionally despite it being the dead of winter since the warm home can promote better molds growth and advancement. Molds multiply asexually using spores. These are probably the main cause of a mold allergy.
Do I Have Mold Allergy?
There are several symptoms of an allergy to molds that one should take note of since one mold allergy symptom can be similar to another symptom brought about by another allergen. Not all molds are allergens, this fact we should be thankful for because if all were allergenic, we would all be suffering from allergic rhinitis all year long.
A mold allergy symptom can be similar to other symptoms of other kinds of respiratory allergies. Sneezing, chronic cough, nasal congestion, itchy and watery eyes and a congested nose are just a few of the many symptoms one may have from a mold allergy. One might even feel a reduction in one's lung capacity or have difficulty breathing as well as experience headaches due to sinusitis.
Mold allergy is different from toxic mold contamination. If you have dizzy spells, cough up blood, nose bleeds, difficulty breathing, anemia, congestion in the chest, nausea and vomiting among other things, these can be symptoms of toxic mold contamination. Care must bet taken when there is toxic mold contamination because this can prove fatal.
Treating Or Preventing Mold Allergy
Treating mold allergy can be done via medication but preventing mold allergy is more tricky because mold can be difficult to spot. Reducing exposure to molds is one of the primary factors to decreasing bouts of allergic reactions. Installing appliances such as fans to dry up moisture can help to reduce humidity in areas of your home thus help to reduce mold allergy. Cleaning areas susceptible to molds such as bathrooms and closets with mold killing cleansers are a big help. Water leaks can lead to mold infestation so it is best to have these leaks repaired as soon as possible.
Mold allergy may seem trivial but accumulated exposure to molds and smold spores can result to perennial allergic rhinitis.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

How Do I Know If I Have An Allergy? Skin Allergy Symptom

The human body is comprised of a number of systems that all work together to ensure that the body functions normally and keeps the body healthy.  Some of those systems include the skeletal system, endocrine system, muscular system, cardio and respiratory system, etc.
As with all things, when everything works as intended there are no problems.  However, if there is an unbalance, for any reason, there are consequences.  Often those consequences then trigger other reactions which may in turn cause hardship or distress. 
In particular, one of those adverse reactions is known as a skin allergy.  Additionally, if an individual suffers from a skin allergy there are subsequent skin allergy symptoms that maybe demonstrated.
What Is An Allergy?
One other very important system in which the body fights against harmful substances is the immune system.  Some of those harmful substances that the body’s immune system fights back against can include organisms such as bacteria, viruses, etc. 
Such is the case when the immune system reacts to non-threatening organisms that are not dangerous to the human body.  Some of these non-threatening organisms could include mold, dust, dander, pollen, food, etc.  When the immune system overreacts or needlessly activates in response to these non-threatening substances this may create an allergic reaction.
In addition, allergies can be introduced to the body through various methods.  Those methods could be through injection, eating or inhaling.  Another common area of the body that can be affected is the skin.
Various Parts Of The Body
One of those types of allergic reactions that affect the body involves an allergic reaction of the skin.  When an allergic reaction occurs there are number skin allergy symptoms that are demonstrated.
Some of those triggers could include dust, pollen and pet dander.  Often skin allergy symptoms include blistering, redness of the skin and scaling.  Also, another uncomfortable and distressing skin allergy symptom is itching.  Often these skin allergy symptoms can be relieved using a topical prescription medication.
Another area of the body that can demonstrate an allergy is the lungs.  For some, the respiratory system can develop a mold allergy.
The process for developing a mold allergy is the same in that the immune system overacts when mild non-threatening mold spores are inhaled.  Often the symptoms that are exhibited with a mold allergy are coughing, itching of the eyes, etc.  Additionally, asthma sufferers are often thought to have a mold allergy.Allergies Cure

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Getting Down To The Itch: Skin Allergy Cause

When an individual suffers from allergies there are many reasons that can contribute to an allergic reaction.  Three of those ways is through ingestion of certain foods, injection and inhalation.
An example of an injection could be through a wasp or bee sting.  There are certain individuals in which this causes an allergic reaction and may cause the person to go into anaphalytic shock.  This is a life threatening development and needs to be responded to immediately.
Or if a person is allergic to certain foods it may cause an allergic reaction if this food is consumed.  An example of this could be an allergic reaction to peanuts.  If the individual eats a peanut or food cooked in peanut oil this may cause an allergic reaction which may prove to be a serious condition. This is because a food allergy may cause swelling in the throat which can be a life threatening condition.
Another type of allergic reaction could be on the skin if the the skin is allergic to certain items.  Generally, an allergic reaction on the skin is not life threatening.  In addition there are many skin allergy causes and treatments for the sufferer.
Skin Allergy Causes
An individual who suffers from a skin allergy may find that there is one particular skin allergy cause that triggers this event or many skin allergy causes that may bring on an allergic episode.  Some of those skin allergy causes could include pet dander, pollen, bacteria, dust, etc. 
Specifically, when a non-threatening substance comes in contact with an individual’s skin and they are allergic to that particular substance there are a variety of skin allergy symptoms that develop.  Some of those skin allergy symptoms can include a redness of the skin, blistering and scaling.  One additional skin allergy symptom is itching.  This particular symptom can be very annoying and extremely uncomfortable for the allergy sufferer.
Just as there are many skin allergy causes, there are just as many skin allergy treatment methods that the sufferer can utilize.  Generally, the treatment of choice is through the use of a topical medication.  A topical medication is one in which the prescribed medicine item is applied directly to the skin.
Examples of these types of treatment methods include ointm

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Relieving The Itch Through Skin Allergy Cream

There are many ways in which an individual may be afflicted with allergies.  One of those ways is to eat a food item that can cause such a reaction. 
One typical food item that may cause an allergic reaction is shellfish.  An allergic reaction caused by shellfish is usually caused by the iodine found in this type of food.
Another method in which an individual may experience an allergy is when the immune system reacts to non-threatening organisms that are not dangerous to the human body.  When the immune system overreacts or needlessly activates in response to these non-threatening substances this causes an allergic reaction.   Generally an allergic reaction of the skin cause itching.
This itching can be very annoying and extremely uncomfortable.  Therefore, it is important to know what causes allergies and to discuss treatment options.  One of those options is through the use of a skin allergy cream.
Determining Allergies
There are many types of non-threatening substances that the human skin can be subjected to.  Some of these non-threatening organisms could include mold, dust, dander, pollen, food, etc.
However, not all skin allergy sufferers are allergic to all substances.  Often, a skin allergy cause is through one particular substance or a combination of substances.  Therefore, it is important to identify what allergens the individual may be allergic to.  Subsequently, once the individual has identified what substances they are allergic to they can do their utmost best to avoid those allergens and therefore episodes of the skin allergy breakouts.
In order to identify what non-threatening substance the individual is allergic to the first step is see a medical doctor.  Once this initial process takes place, then the attending physician will often make a referral for their patient to see an allergist.
Allergy testing can be done in a number of ways.  One of the common ways of testing for allergies today is through the use of a small needle.  Specifically, on the head of the needle a particular substance is placed.  For example if testing for dust a small bit of dust is placed on the head of the needle then a simple pinprick occurs.  If there is allergic reaction then it is safe to assume that the individual is allergic to dust. 
Often there is no cure for an allergy.  However, allergy shots may be developed which may help the afflicted individual to stave off allergic reactions. 
In addition, there are many topical products that can help to alleviate some of the associated symptoms of an allergic reaction.  One of those particular products is a skin allergy cream.
Basically the skin allergy cream is mixed with the active ingredients that help to relieve the itching.  The benefits of using a skin allergy cream is that it is easy to apply, does not leave a greasy residue and does stain clothing.  In addition, skin allergy cream is applied directly to the affected area and brings quick relief.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

If You Have An Itch, Don’t Scratch: Skin Allergy Itching

The human skin is comprised of a number of cells all designed to provide a variety of functions.  Some of those functions include providing the human body with a protective covering, being the first line of defense which protects the body from bacteria, helping the body to maintain its temperatur through perspiration, etc.
However, as with all things, there may be an imbalance.  Such an imbalance that can occur with the human skin is the development of skin allergies. 
Therefore, when wishing to learn about allergies, it is important to know what an allergy is and how to effectively treat the common discomfort associated with a skin allergy.  The common discomfort associated with a skin allergy condition is skin allergy itching.
What Is An Allergy?
An allergy develops when the body's immune system responds aggressively to non-threatening organisms.  Examples of these types of non-aggressive substances include pet dander, mold, dust, pollen, etc.
Ultimately, if the immune system responds there is a corresponding release of histamine.  This histamine attaches itself to the foreign substance in an effort to ward off the perceived threat.  This process may in turn cause certain conditions to appear on the skin.  This response can be known as an allergy.  Some of those conditions could include redness, blisters, scaling, etc.
Treatment For Skin Allergy Itching
When a physician begins to prescribe the treatment plan for skin allergy itching, often the treatment method of choice is through the use of topical preparations.  There are many ways that medicines can be applied topically.  Topically means that they are applied directly on the area that is to be treated.  Some of those methods could include the use of ointments, lotions, powders, etc.
Each of the above treatment methods is as equally effective.  However, the major difference lies in the choice of what substance is used when the active treatment ingredients are added.
For example, the typical base product used in a topical product is petroleum jelly.  Generally, this topical medicine will aid in the relief of skin allergy itching.  However, the drawback to using this type of product is ointment has a tendency to be very messy, difficult to wash off and be very greasy.  This product therefore, may not only feel uncomfortable when applied to the skin, but may also have a tendency to stain an individual’s clothing.
One additional treatment for skin allergy itching is through the use of skin allergy cream. 
Skin allergy cream is probably the most widely used topical product utilized by sufferers of skin allergy itching.  This is because the active ingredients are easily mixed into the cream substance.  In addition, when the cream is applied to the affected area, the cream has a tendency to be absorbed by the skin and therefore leave no greasy residue on the skin or clothing.

Monday, 24 October 2011

A Test You Don’t Need To Study For: Allergy Skin Test

The human body is comprised of a number of systems.  All of these systems are designed to keep the body healthy and maintain full functonality.
For example the skin has many functions.  One of the major functions is to provide covering for the body.  Specifically, the skin protects the inward parts of the body from the elements and attacks from bacteria.  In addition, the skin helps to maintain the body's temperature.
However, there are ailments that can compromise the skin's ability to function normally.  One of those ailments can be a skin allergy.
Therefore, if one thinks that they may suffer from a skin allergy it is important to know a number of things.  Two of those pieces of knowledge include knowing what a skin allergy is and undergoing an allergy skin test.
What Is A Skin Allergy?
A skin allergy begins when a foreign substance comes in contact with the skin.  In turn, the immune system begins to respond.  Often this response, by the immune system, is an over reaction by this particular system within the body.
Subsequently, this overreaction of the immune system secretes a substance known as an antigen.  In addition, the substance known as histamine is secreted as well.  In turn, this histamine attaches itself to the foreign substance in an effort to fight or ward off this perceived threat to the body.  However, this process and a skin allergy are often caused by a non-threatening type of substance.  Some of those types of substances could include the pet dander, pollen, dust, etc.
Additionally, the skin responds with a number of symptoms when this skin allergy process takes place.  Some of those symptoms could include skin allergy itching, redness of the skin, blistering, scaling, etc.
What Is An Allergy Skin Test?
Before the treatment plan is prescribed by a Physician, often the attending Doctor wants to know what is causing this skin allergy.  Therefore, often the doctor will order an allergy skin test.
This testing can be done in a number of ways.  Two of the most common ways to conduct an allergy skin test include the use of a needle and the use of a patch.
If the Allergist uses a needle, the process includes the use of a small needle.  On the head of this small needle is a minuscule sample of a particular substance that the specialist will test on the patient’s skin to see if there is a corresponding allergic reaction.  Often this process is repeated using different substances to test for various allergies. 
The other common type of allergy skin test is through the use of a patch.  This small patch is treated with a common substance and then applied to the patient’s skin.  If there is a corresponding reaction then the Allergist knows that this may be one of possibly many substances that the individual is allergic to.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Scratching The Surface: Skin Allergy

There are many adverse conditions that can negatively impact the human skin.  Some of those uncomfortable conditions could include skin burns, loss of collagen, age spots, etc.
One additional malady that can cause distress are skin allergies.  When discussing skin allergies it is important to know what a skin allergy is and how to find out if the individual has a skin allergy.  This is accomplished through an allergy skin test.
What Is A Skin Allergy?
A skin allergy is the response of the immune system to certain substances that come in contact with the skin.  Generally, this response of the immune’s system is an overreaction to those substances that the skin comes in contact with.  When this overreaction of the immune system occurs a substance is produced by the body.  This substance is known as antigen and is secreted from the pores of the skin.  When secreted, it adheres to the substance that comes in contact with the skin. 
Additionally, another substance is released by the immune system.  This substance is known as histamine and its release causes various symptoms associated with the process.  Those symptoms include the constriction of smooth muscles and inflammation of the affected area.
Other symptoms of skin allergies can include redness, scaling and the development of blisters.  It is these types of symptoms that can cause extreme itching of the area because of the histamine response to the foreign substance of the skin.
What Is A Skin Allergy Test?
Before an individual receives treatment for a possible skin allergy condition, an allergy skin test is usually recommended by the attending physician.  The purpose of the skin allergy test is to identify what substances the individual may be allergic to.
Generally, the process can be accomplished in a couple of ways.  One of those ways is to actually inject the skin with a small needle.  This needle contains a minuscule amount of the allergen that is being tested as part of the skin allergy test.
Another way that the skin allergy test is conducted is by applying a patch to the skin.  Like the needle prick the patch contains a certain amount of the allergen being tested upon the individual. 
One additional way that the skin allergy test can be administered is through the process known as the scratch test.  This is a common way to find out if an individual is allergic to a particular allergen; however the chances of infection through this particular method greatly increase.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Beginning Your Food Allergy Diet

If you have been diagnosed with a food allergy, you may be worrying about what you are going to do to effectively keep yourself healthy and safe from any food allergy reactions or symptoms. Even if your reactions are mild, such as an upset stomach or a skin allergy reaction, you still may want to begin a food allergy diet to keep your body free from whatever food you are allergic to.
Before you begin any elimination food allergy diet, make sure that you speak with your doctor and or a registered dietician. It may be necessary to adjust your regular diet or add nutritional supplements to make sure that your body is still getting the essential vitamins and nutrients that it needs to properly function. Eliminating your food allergens can also eliminate essentials like vitamins and nutrients, so it is important to have a discussion with your doctor and or nutritionist before embarking on any food allergy diet.
Here is an example of a food allergy diet to follow if you are allergic to milk. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your specific allergy to get a fine tuned food allergy diet for whatever you are allergic to.
Milk Food Allergy Diet
If you are allergic to milk, it may be necessary to remove all milk and dairy products that are made with milk from your diet. This food allergy diet is important to discuss with your doctor first as dairy products tend to be an excellent source of calcium and Vitamin D. You will need to either eat other foods that are rich in these nutrients, or take a supplement to ensure that you are getting enough in your diet.
The first step in beginning your food allergy diet is learning to read a label on food. All processed foods in the grocery store will have a label with ingredients on it. Check for milk in all foods that you are purchasing. Many processed foods contain milk, and many foods that you would not even think contain milk, do. In addition, make sure that you always check the labels before eating food because manufacturers sometimes change recipes and milk can be in the new recipe.
For your milk food allergy diet, there are some food items that you will have to eliminate that you may not have thought of. For example, yogurt, cream, sour cream, cream cheese, cheese, butter, whey, and curds all contain milk products. Any foods with these products in them will have to be eliminated for your milk food allergy diet.
Make sure to talk to your doctor before beginning a food allergy diet. But if you follow these rules for the milk food allergy diet for your specific allergen, you should remain symptom free.effective-ways-to-cure-allergies

Friday, 21 October 2011

Food Allergy Rash Information severe food allergies are relatively uncommon, mild reactions like a food allergy rash are more common than people think. People who have food allergies often times display minor symptoms that they do not even know are food allergy related. A food allergy rash is one of these symptoms.
Mild Food Allergy Rash
A mild food allergy rash is nothing to be extremely concerned with, but it should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible, especially if it is prolonged or chronic. The biggest concern with a food allergy rash is that it can be a symptom for a more serious allergy and it can get worse the more exposure to the food allergen that there is. Often times a food allergy rash is simply a patch of bumpy, red, or otherwise discolored skin. Usually the treatment is a food allergy diet that has the patient staying away from whatever food caused the allergy rash.
Major Food Allergy Rash
A major food allergy rash can be a sign of a severe food allergy reaction. A minor food allergy rash can turn extremely serious in a matter of minutes or a few hours. The symptoms that will accompany a food allergy rash that show a serious reaction include, but are not limited to, a flushed face; swelling of the face especially the eyes, lips, tongue, and throat; cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, and other stomach discomfort; weakness; panic or anxiety; inability to speak or swallow correctly; breathing problems; rapid heard beat; loss of consciousness; and a drop in blood pressure. If any of these symptoms are accompanying your itchy, red rash or a rash that includes hives on any area of your body, call 9-1-1 immediately.
Treatment For A Food Allergy Rash
As of yet, there are no known cures for food allergies or food allergy rashes. The key to keeping yourself healthy and safe is prevention. If you or anyone in your family has severe allergies, it is important to be tested regularly to avoid unknowingly ingesting or being near a food allergen. Once you have established and documented your food allergy, it is important to begin avoiding the food allergen in order to avoid a reaction. Make sure that you carefully read every label for every food product you are ingesting or have in your home. Often times the allergen can be in unsuspecting food. For example, many things contain peanut oil that you would not necessarily think of. Make sure that you properly check every food item before ingesting it in order to keep yourself safe.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Information on Infant Food Allergies

If you have a baby, you may be concerned about him or her having a baby food allergy. While the number of cases of food allergies has exponentially expanded in the past decade, the percentage of children and infants with food allergies is still proportionately low. However, if you or someone in your family has food allergies or your baby has been showing symptoms of a possible baby food allergy, it is important to become educated on the subject of infant food allergies.
Baby Food Allergy Symptoms
Any baby who has a food allergy will experience symptoms of that allergy. Common symptoms among infants are hives, chronic eczema and other food allergy rashes, gas, constipation, diarrhea, and inability to sleep due to excessive irritability. These symptoms are usually not life threatening and most likely point to a mild baby food allergy. However, continuing to give your child the allergen could possibly increase the symptoms and the severity of the reaction in the future.
Other more serious baby food allergy symptoms include excessive swelling, problems or inability to breathe, swelling of the throat, lethargy, excessive tiredness, and even death. If your child experiences any problems with breathing or swelling or even lethargy, call 9-1-1 immediately. Often times these reactions happen so quickly that you simply do not have time to rush your child to the hospital for help or to call your doctor. You need paramedic help immediately.
Baby Food Allergy Information
Baby food allergies are not very common, but when they do occur almost all of them are caused by eight main foods. Chicken eggs, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts (such as walnuts, brazil nuts, and cashews), soy, milk, fish, and shellfish (such as shrimp, lobster, and crabs). If you are allergic to any of these foods, the best idea is to delay giving them to your child until he or she is at least two years old. Many allergies in children are caused by introducing the allergen too soon to a child. The general guideline is that a child should not have peanut butter until he or she is at least one, and much later if the parents or other siblings are allergic. Baby food allergies can be caused by early introduction of the food, so it only makes sense to delay introduction as long as possible.
If you are worried that your child has a baby food allergy that is exhibiting mild reactions, talk to your doctor about getting your child tested. For severe reactions, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Information On Common Food Allergies

Food allergies are very common among both children and adults. In recent years, food allergies have become increasingly common for many unknown reasons. Because of this, more and more information is becoming available on food allergies. Less and less people are having severe allergic reactions because testing is improving and people are being diagnosed before having a severe, even fatal, reaction. Even baby food allergies are being diagnosed as a way to keep children from getting sick at a young age.
General Information On Food Allergies
A food allergy is when someone has an allergic reaction to any type of food. These allergies can occur when a person inhales, eats, or even simply comes in contact with the food or food additive. In fact, tiny amounts can cause severely sensitive individuals to have an allergic reaction. Such allergic reactions can range from the very mild to the extreme and life threatening.
In the past decade, allergic reactions to food have increased exponentially. More and more adults and children are being diagnosed with peanut and tree nut allergies, fueling extensive research in the area of food allergies and treatments.
Common Food Allergy Information
Adults and children have different food allergies that are the most common food allergies for the demographic. For children, there is a relatively large list of common food allergies. The most common food allergies in children are cow’s milk, chicken eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soybeans, and wheat. These are all items that are found in almost everyone’s natural diet, and it can be very difficult to completely rid the diet of one or more of these items. Thankfully, due to the increase in these common food allergies, substitute foods are readily available.
In adults, the list of most common food allergies is slightly different. Adults are most commonly allergic to peanuts and tree nuts, much like children. However, other common food allergies include fish, shrimp, crabs, lobsters and other crustaceans, clams, oysters, mussels and other mollusks, fruits, and vegetables.
The severity of these common food allergies varies. For children, the most likely foods to cause severe reactions that are on the common food allergy list are peanuts, cow milk, chicken eggs, and tree nuts. Other items that are more uncommon but cause severe anaphylaxis reactions are vegetables, shellfish, and fish. In adults, the foods that are the most likely to cause severe reactions are peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.
If you think you may have any one or more of these common food allergies, contact your doctor for further testing and information.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Recognizing Food Allergy Symptoms

Watching television, one might think that the only reaction or symptom to a food allergy is immediate onset anaphylactic shock. Television tends to over dramatize things and it is no surprise that food allergies are on the list of melodramatic moments of television. However, not all food allergy symptoms work like they seem to on television. Here is some information on food allergy symptoms to help you recognize and deal with your possible food allergy.
When Does The Reaction Occur?
The food allergy symptom is deeply related to the process of digestion. Because this is a deeply complicated process that works differently with different foods, digestion affects the location, timing, and symptoms of a food allergy. However, one way to know whether or not you are having a food allergy symptom does have to do with time. All allergic reactions to food will occur within one hour of ingesting the food.
While some foods can inflict immediate and extreme food allergy symptoms, many are not as noticeable. Some can begin with an itching in the mouth or a slight difficulty in swallowing or breathing. Later, as the food begins to be digested in the stomach and intestines, other symptoms may begin to appear. The individual may be nauseas, he or she may vomit or have diarrhea, and abdominal pains are common. All of these symptoms can be confused with food poisoning or simply eating your food too quickly. If you have had a food allergy test in the past, know you are allergic to something, and are having these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
Lesser Known Food Allergy Symptoms
An itchy, swollen throat, stomach irritability, and abdominal pains are all relatively common food allergy symptoms. However, there are some other food allergy symptoms that are not as well known. For example, many people relate hives to outdoor allergens. However, once allergens are absorbed and enter into your bloodstream, they will eventually reach the skin. This creates hives or eczema on the surface of the skin. When the allergens reach your airway, it can induce asthma or asthma like symptoms. An allergen in the bloodstream can also cause lightheadedness, anaphylaxis (a sudden drop in blood pressure) and weakness in general. These symptoms may not easily be related to food allergies, so if you are prone to food allergies or know that you have one, make sure to contact your doctor immediately. Even food allergy symptoms that start off as mild can rapidly progress into a life threatening condition.
Allergies Cure