Saturday 21 January 2012

Common Cures For Sinusitis

If you are suffering from symptoms of sinusitis the important thing to remember is that you are not alone. There are millions of people across the world that have and are still suffering from this condition.
Sinusitis occurs when the nasal passages become inflamed and blocks the flow of air. This can happen because of smoke, air pollution, allergy, viral and fungal infections. There are two variations of sinusitis, one is chronic and the other is acute.
Chronic sinusitis causes headache, coughing, and ear infections and occurs when the nasal passage is blocked for an extended period of time. Acute sinusitis can usually take place for up to ten days at a time and the headaches associated with it can range from mild to painfully intense.
One common problem with sinusitis infections is the lack of knowledge. Many people have experienced this infection and are oblivious to the simple prevention methods and cures. So what's the main cure for sinusitis? A healthy immune system.
The immune system protects the body by blocking diseases and infections, however, if the immune system is weak it is unable to properly perform this duty. Since infections occur as a result of weak immune systems there are different ways to help strengthen it thus protecting the body against sinusitis.
A healthy diet plays a significant role in creating a healthy body, so proper food intake is vital. Red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants known as carotenoids, which help to strengthen the immune system, as do foods such as tomato,carrots,pumpkins and cantaloupes. Vitamin C is one of the strongest antioxidants, which can be found in green peppers, oranges and other citrus fruits.
Although diet is a vital factor in curing sinusitis, moderate and consistent exercise is equally important. Studies have shown that in response to exercise there have been physiological changes in the immune system, however, this has to be done in moderation as these studies have also indicated that too much exercise can have the reverse effect.
Not only does exercise improve cardiac function and eliminate poisons from the body, but it allows us to breathe deeper thus releasing toxic by-products through the lungs.

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