Saturday 14 January 2012

Describing the Post Nasal Drip Causes

Post nasal drip is characterized by dripping mucus, nasal congestion and irritation. This occurs because there is excessive production of mucus by the sinus which usually happens when one's sinus has an infection. When post nasal drip is left untreated, it can lead to halitosis which may further damage one's self esteem. There are a lot of available treatments for drip however the best treatment will depend on the main cause of post nasal drip and of course, based on the recommendation of your doctor.
The various possible drip causes include allergies, rhinitis, sinusitis and gastric acid problems. Allergies are usually triggered by allergens which may be inhaled irritants such as dust, fur or pollen. These particles cause the lining of the sinus and the mucus membrane to swell. Meanwhile some people can also be allergic to some foods such as sea foods or dairy products for instance. Dairy products cause mucus to thicken and may actually also cause the inflammation of the nasal linings that leads to increase production of the mucus by the sinuses. Eating foods that you are allergic to continuously also causes thickening of mucus and therefore clogged nasal passages.
Dry environment is another cause of drip since the dry environment influences the mucus to be dry and stagnant where bacteria may thrive in. Smoking is also a possible cause of post nasal drip since they cause inflammation of the nasal passages and mucous membranes causing an increase in the secretion of mucus. Drinks with caffeine and alcohol also cause thickening of mucous because of mucous drying up. When one has the flu or common colds, post nasal drip is also a common complication especially since sinus infections can result from these colds and flu. Disorders such as those of the throat and those related to swallowing will also cause post nasal. Lastly, anything which causes fluctuations in the estrogen levels of the body is a possible cause of post nasal drip.

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