Wednesday 4 January 2012

Dizziness and Other Symptoms of Sinus Infections

Sinusitis is a common problem that affects millions across the globe. It is caused when the sinuses become infected or inflamed. The most popular symptom of a sinus infection is a stuffy nose, however, other indications of this infection include coughing, headaches, sore throat, tenderness of the face and green or yellow nasal discharge.
One popular, yet underrated symptom associated with sinus infections, is dizziness, otherwise known as vertigo. This is a state of lightheadedness or a feeling that either yourself or your surroundings are spinning. Although this symptom does not always occur during an infection, when it does it can range from being harmless to deadly. Dizziness can be caused by different factors such as swollen tissues around the eyelids, which can trigger inflammation around the nose; another common cause is related to an ear infection.
During a sinus infection, the viruses are attached to the mucus coating of the sinuses which can spread to the Eustachian tube and cause blockage which then results in an ear infection. This high capacity of pressure on the eardrum alters the information that the brain interprets, causing nausea, vomiting and dizziness.
In unique cases, dizziness can be life threatening. This is because it is related to a loss of balance, which can occur in situations that can prove dangerous, such as driving a car or handling heavy equipment. Sinus infections are treatable usually with over-the-counter products or prescribed medication. However, prevention is better than cure.
Although most sinus infections are easily treated, many would be surprised to know that simple procedures can help to eliminate the chances of ever contracting this infection. Since bacteria can be a main cause of this problem, it is advisable to keep hands away from the face as much as possible and always ensure that the hands are kept clean at all times.
Sinus infections are also brought on when the immune system is weak. In order to strengthen the immune system, try to eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, or take proper supplements and vitamin tablets to further enhance the system. These simple steps can help strengthen the body against infections that can not only be uncomfortable but sometimes detrimental to your health.

1 comment:

  1. if your condition is accompanied by nausea, extreme headaches, blurred vision, and palpitations, you have to consult your medical doctor on remedies to your dizziness
